Job Interview

Job Interview Practice

Published by
Catherine Adenle

Explore this job interview practice video if you have been lucky to secure a job interview. You can improve your chance of securing the job by via Be My Interviewer interactive video. Prepare for your job interview as you are most likely to succeed if you plan and prepare.

By Catherine Adenle,

This job interview practice video will help you to ace your job interview.

You cannot ace any interview without any job interview practice. If you are not sure if you should explore this job interview practice video, ask yourself these questions:

For all the interviews I’ve attended in the past that I did not get a call back for:

1. Did I do enough job interview practice, did I research the organisation and the job properly beforehand?

2. Was I prepared for all the questions by doing a mock interview before attending the interview?

3. Did I practice answering popular interview questions beforehand?

4. Did I know and note down clever questions to ask the interviewers?

5. What could I have done better? Could I have had a better job interview practice?

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If you could have done better for any of these questions, then, you need to see this practise video below. Via the interactive video below you can do your job interview practice using the ‘Be my Interviewer’ video. You can practice and perfect your interview skills with the help of leading industry professionals via job sites.

Using the Be My Interviewer interactive video, anyone who wants to be successful at job interviews can do their job interview practice and perfect their interview skills with the help of these leading industry professionals. They provide valuable and practical advice to prepare you for the toughest questions and interview scenarios you are likely to face.

To truly take advantage of the points highlighted in the job interview practice video, you have to remember that, for any job interview, you must research the company. This includes the company’s products, services, competitors, details of how the company was formed or developed, the markets, turnover, plans for the future, number of branches, people employed, the company’s values etc.

To snag your dream job, as well as following the points laid out in the video, take further steps to obtain as much information as possible about the organisation. Google the company’s name, read their last annual report. Know the in and out of the company. Know their past, current role in the market, and their goals for the future. In addition, if you know who will be interviewing you, look online to see if they have written any articles for professionals so that you have an idea of their opinions on issues.

As well as the content of the job interview practice video, analyze the job description; know what the company is seeking in a candidate. Then, make a list of the skills, knowledge and personal qualities that are required by the employer as they are critical for success in the job. Tie your own skills to their requirement with examples. Practice how you will convey the examples.

Be My Interviewer

How do you ace your job interview? To ace it, you need the 3Ps – Plan, Prepare and Practice! See Ace Your Job Interview

To get hired, you need to ace that job interview. Plan, prepare and practice; those are your 3Ps. With these 3Ps, it’s easy to ace any job interview.

Now that you have explored the job interview practice video, what else can you add? Leave your comments below.

Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.
Catherine Adenle

Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.

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