Catherine's Career Corner

December 1st, 2008
Free Job Based CV Templates

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Download a free job based CV templates as your CV or Resume is your most important document when it comes to looking for a job. It also helps with your career progression. Securing a job and career progression means more career growth and income; in most cases this has a direct impact on your work life happiness and satisfaction. Explore these free job based CV templates from Monsters.



By Catherine Adenle

Are you job seeker with relevant job experience? Then, download free job based CV templates from here. These templates are for: the ‘Classic’ job based CV, the ‘Modern’ job based CV and the ‘Designer’ job based CV.

For most job seekers, writing a CV or Resume from scratch isn’t an easy task because you have to be knowledgeable about what to include and not include on a CV. As a job seeker with relevant job experience, your CV must be focused, concise, and targeted towards what potential employers are looking for.

For most job seekers, the task of putting together a great CV is often daunting that it’s easy to put it off for a long time. So, if you are one of those job seekers, here at Catherine’s Career Corner, we have done the leg work for you. We follow leaders in the field of career development, so that we are able to bring you great tools, tips and free resources from all over the web.

So, what are your biggest challenges when it comes to writing or updating your own CV or resume? The fear of not getting it right? Well, fear no more. You can tweak and adapt any of these free job based CV templates to showcase your skills.

First of all, congratulations to you because you are interested in these free job based CV templates. Obviously you understand that this is the digital age with high volumes of CVs or Resumes to compete with. You have to know that your CV has to be optimized with the right key words for a recruiter’s system to filter you as a potential candidate. Your skills as showcased on your CV must be relevant to the jobs that you are applying for, you cannot afford to make your CV generic. A bad CV is a major turn off for recruiters and potential employers.

So, before you start tweaking this free job based CV templates, ensure that you find some suitable jobs to apply for first. Then, tweak any suitable one of these free job based CV templates and ask yourself if the system will filter your CV for the role using the right keywords as included in the job description and as presented by the organization that is doing the recruiting.

Before you adapt any of the free job based templates, highlight the key words and phrases that the recruiter needs. Then, draft your CV as presented in any of these free job based CV templates below, incorporating the same or very similar key words and phrases as specified by the recruiter. Go into specific detail only about skills that are relevant to the role and provide examples of where you have successfully used these skills in the past.

Use any of the free job based CV templates for as it has lots of white space with a clean look. They also have standard fonts and type sizes. You must make your CV two pages, any more and the recruiter will assume that you can’t summarize information. Remember, most recruiters are most interested in what you have done most recently, so no life history or a mention of the job you did after high school if you have been working for many years.

Once you are done, save your CV in your name with the job number or role title so that you can easily email it to recruiters. Now, proceed to the download of these free job based templates:

The ‘Classic’ Work Based CV
This template offers enough space to describe the achievementsyou’ve had so far in your career and the skills you can bring to

prospective employers.

Click here to download this template
Format – .doc
Size – 48kb
The ‘Modern’ Work Based CV
Taking the design onto another level, this template allow youmore space to show off your skills and experience in a progressive

and easy to read format.

Click here to download this template
Format – .doc
Size – 64kb
 The ‘Designer’ Work Based CVUsing boxes to separate the various section of the CV, this

template allows you to add a bit of style to your application,

whilst still retaining a professional look.

Click here to download this template
Format – .doc
Size – 64kb
Courtesy of
Catherine Adenle
Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.
Catherine Adenle

2 thoughts on “Free Job Based CV Templates

  1. Thanks for this. I have just adapted one for a job I am applying for. It is good to easily find free CV sample. JB

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