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Everyone has a dream job. What’s yours? Though recognizing your ideal position is easy, actually getting your dream job is the hard part. If you are looking to land your dream job, these tips will help you.

The sheer number of job seekers with a vast array of skills, work experience and university degrees has meant that it is increasingly difficult to secure your dream job. So, it is important that you set yourself aside from the rest.
- Get Wired to the Net: If you want to land your dream job, the first thing to do is get wired to the internet, get a good computer and be accessible to potential employers. Ensure that you have a land line phone, a mobile phone and an e-mail address. All these would allow you to perform a fast and efficient job search. If you have access to all, wait no more – go ahead, network and start looking for your ideal job via all the job boards, Social Media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter and job sites. See Social Media and the Hiring Process
- Always Tweak Your CV: Do not use one CV for all. Prepare your CV in Word and ensure that it targets the job of your interest. Make sure that it clearly highlights your skills, experience and qualifications. Remember that your CV is the first thing a potential employer will see before they see you. It is still the backbone of an effective job search. to land your dream job, be sure to always add pertinent keywords and customise your cover letter to the particular job you are interested in. It is vital to present yourself as a professional, who is articulate and as a serious candidate. See How to Write a Winning CV
- Know Where to Look: Check Newspaper Advertisements too – Most newspapers have job advertisement sections on a weekly basis. If you are reluctant to spend money on newspapers, try your local libraries. They often have daily newspapers in them and increasingly the newspapers also advertise vacancies on their websites.
- Look at Trade Magazine Advertisements:What are you interested in doing? To land your dream job, check to see if there is a trade magazine connected to the job that you are after. If there is, look for a current copy of the Trade Magazine as it is most likely to carry job advertisements. Trade organizations usually have a website with a dedicated area for job vacancies too.
- Check Online Job Recruiters Out: There is an abundance of websites, see here, which offer the opportunity to search for jobs by inputting certain data or by completing an online CV to apply for jobs in the database. Characteristically potential employers are able to search the database and contact you directly if they see you as suitable for a role.
- Visit Company Websites: Most companies have their own websites and often they list any job vacancies they have on this website. These are advantageous for companies, as they do not have to spend time and a lot of money advertising positions.
- WOM (Word of Mouth): Many job opportunities can be sourced through word of mouth. Don’t forget to brazenly inform people that you are looking for work. A lot of people get their ideal jobs this way. You never know who knows someone that knows someone who is a CEO or Managing director of a company in your area.
- Out and About: When you are in town or walking around your neighbourhood, look at job boards at your local shops and supermarkets, this is particularly true about jobs in retail.
- Recruitment Agencies: To land your dream job, look for the recruiters in search of the kind of job that you are after. Recruitment agencies are always looking for people to put into jobs because they only make money when they place people in jobs. so, let them know about your dream job.
- Network: To land your dream job, you must network. Networking is very important, see WOM above. Essentially, networking is about asking the people you know and don’t know, your friends and family for help in your job search. They many have information that could be useful to your job search. See Network Your Way to a Job
- Speculative Job Search: Making speculative approaches is a very good way of getting a job. Many employers may be considering taking on an employee, but have not got round to finalising the process, your enquiry or CV might get to them at the right moment or they may even create a post for you if they see you as the right applicant.
- Go to Job Centres: These job centres tend to have jobs advertised that may not be advertised elsewhere. Most job centres often have company brochures and application forms ready for interested candidates to take away and complete.
- Create Your Own Job: Creating a job for yourself consists of doing some thorough examination of an organisation, find a position in the organisation that you could fill and make a proposal for the job to the person who is in charge of the hiring. Just think of yourself as a consultant, offer your understanding, knowledge and skills to solve a problem that they might have – keep it positive and strategic.
- Be Self-Employed: Are you passionate about something? If you are and can get hold of a little capital, with the right idea, you do not have to be an employee. With the internet, it has never been so inexpensive to start your own business. If you want to go down this route, there are many places you can turn to for help. Your bank must have business advisers and they might help you with the financial side of starting your own business.
- Know What You Want: Know what you’re looking for and don’t waste time in going for it. Be realistic and target the industries and firms that suit you best and focus your job search activities squarely on them.
- Research the Company of Your Interest: The first and foremost questions to ask yourself after you have researched the history, products, services, competitors and any recent news of the company on the web are: Will this establishment suit me? Will I fit into this establishment? The more research you do into your target establishment, the better prepared you are for the application process and for any selection events.
- Know Your Worth and Achievements: You can’t find out what you want until you find out who you are. What are your values? |What are your skills? What’s most important to you? What are you fanatical about? Taking the time to think about the things that really matter to you is a good starting point for finding your ideal role.
- Showcase Your Skills: Showcase the skills that you wish to use and the things that you are really passionate about on your CV. If you haven’t done a skills analysis test, do so straight away. Focus on your favourite skills and what you have achieved in the past using your skills. Be specific and focus on evidences that demonstrate your skills. See Know Your Skills, They Are Your Prime Selling Points
- Pull All of the Above Together: Now combine all the findings above and proactively use them to clinch your ideal job. Be very imaginative, realistic and flexible. Think outside the box and know your preferences.
- Yes, You Can Make it Happen: Now, go after what you want. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do – it should be all about you and your future. Research, network and apply for your ideal jobs. Be motivated, informed, and enthusiastic and know what makes you tick. You owe it to yourself to follow your dreams!
Let’s hear from you if you have other tips to add. Just leave your comment below.
Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.