Catherine's Career Corner
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July 16th, 2009
Looking for Work? See These Steps and Sites

Getting Started
Finding employment is often a turning point in your life.  This may require you to make some hard decisions about yourself and what you want to do.This is not easy and often job seekers need some help with the process. The most important factor in securing your next job is to be sure of your capabilities and what you want.

To help you find the job you are looking for, follow the three steps listed below.


Step 1: Choosing a Career Path
One of the best ways to get a job is to know exactly what you are interested in doing.  You need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is my ideal job?
  • What skills do I have?
  • What would I like to be doing in 5 years?
myfuture   This website can help you to work out a career direction through a series of articles and activities that guide you through career exploration and the planning processes.
QC   This website is an information interview tutorial.  It provides a list of the various questions you can ask when researching a career you are interested in.
mycareer   This website helps you find the latest jobs across all industries. Browse by location, sector or company to find current job vacancies.
 jobjuice    This is a Government funded website that helps people explore career options.
 JS4Logo    The largest UK jobsite, with plenty of IT jobs and subsites for other sectors. A large variety of agencies use this service. Includes a large list of UK IT recruitment agencies. Search URLs can be bookmarked, and it also offers a jobs by email service and CV posting service.
headerLogo    I am a big fan of this site, though it doesn’t list as many technical jobs as I would like. Lists many jobs in temporary positions. Offers CV posting. 

 guardian logo

Good number of listings from The Guardian  fairly media/public services oriented.           


The UK arm of the large US jobsite.


Bookmarkable job sites

Sites that I haven’t signed up for email from, but have bookmarked.  Bookmarkable search results are very useful, instead of receiving a mail full of yesterday’s jobs, you can search as frequently or infrequently as you wish:

  • – Covers a number of job sectors. Searches can be bookmarked (results.asp) and they offer a jobs-by-email service.
  • – The UK arm of the large US jobsite.
  • – Medium sized job listings, URLs were bookmarkable, but I don’t have a current example, features a jobs by email service that unfortunately ignores keywords in the saved search.

Other search sites

Some sites I haven’t signed up to anything from and don’t visit regularly:

  • – Features a large number of jobs and a jobs by email service. Their search engine seems to become less specific (rather than more specific) when searching for multiple keywords, which isn’t very useful. The search page does not include posting dates or salary. In the past I managed to bookmark their search by decoding their search form.
  • – IT news and job listings. Includes a listing of IT recruitment companies (in the search section) and a jobs by email service. A senior programmer friend of mine subscribes to this.
  • – Smallish number of jobs and a CV posting service.
  • – Now owned by eBay.

CV posting sites

I have had recent success with calls from agencies that have found my CV on a CV posting website. All the sites below allow you to upload your CV in Word format (possibly RTF). As time goes by, I should be able to add to comments about how successful the CV sites have been for me.  CVs may need to be refreshed regularly to attract a recruiter’s interest. Most of the sites listed below also appear elsewhere on this page.

  • – Popular CV posting site.  Part of the hotonline group that power, workthing and other sites.
  • – includes a CV distribution feature.
  • – Includes a configurable CV posting service.
  • – Largish jobs site, (same database as Gojobsite).
  • – Part of the Guardian media group.
  • – The Guardian newspaper’s jobs section, powered by
  • – Posts your CV to a number of job agencies (I have not tried this site).

Recruitment agencies

Advice on company targeting  features advice on applying direct, making your the most of your CV and interview techniques. All in an slightly over-the-top American stylee, ideal for those a bit shy in coming forward.  The best section by far is the Articles section, which includes insights from both the job-seekers and the employees sides.


Click on the links below for more tips on the job search process.

Step 2: Securing Employment
Finding the right job may take some time, for a full list of job search websites, see our links page.

workstory   While you are looking for work why not register on Workstory, the social network where you can tell your work story and let employers know you are looking for work.

Click on the links below for tips on how to create a great resume, cover letter and lasting impression at a job interview.

Step 3: Keeping the Job
worldwork This website uses interactive examples to show you the correct way to respond in a workplace environment.

Source for part of these materials:


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Catherine Adenle
Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.
Catherine Adenle

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