Curriculum Vitae

Jazz Your CV up to Get Noticed!

Published by
Catherine Adenle

Like it or not, your CV is the first opportunity you get to make a good impression on a potential employer. An effective CV will considerably boost your chance of getting a face-to-face interview, so it’s important that you jazz your CV up in different ways.


By Catherine Adenle

I am impressed by Innovative CV. In this day and age, spiffing up your CV will get you noticed. I am starting to think the paper CV/résumé may soon go the way of the Typewriters, Video Cassettes, and Betamax.

If you are looking for a job or you have recently graduated, you want to create an awesome CV, or just showcase your skills and experience with the world or send a link to employers, now you can create an online CV and even have a CV website with Innovate CV.


Jazz up your CV

The CV and associated recruitment process have remained static for too many years, which has led to dissatisfaction amongst all involved; after all, there is only so much a black and white ‘Word’ document can achieve.

Innovate CV, as the name suggests, brings creativity and innovation to the recruitment industry, turning the world of the paper CV (or the word document attachment) on its head, Innovate CV is making creating, editing, distributing and tracking a CV a simple and straightforward process.
Quite simply, Innovate CV is the future CV and offers dynamic results to the candidate, the recruitment consultant and the employer. For candidates
Candidates are encouraged to demonstrate their personality, through the various functionalities (such as videos, space to upload samples of work, certificates, qualifications, recommendations etc)
Innovate CV assists candidates in developing their CV by offering a standardised template which maintains a certain level of uniformity
Advice on wording to include in an Innovate CV is offered to candidates, as well as highlighting any oversights such as career gaps and overlaps. 

A candidate only has to enter their information once which forms the “Master CV”, and then can decide what to include and leave out in each unique version
Candidates are able to convert an existing Word CV into an Innovate CV in seconds.

Each Innovate CV created has a unique URL, and can be sent to the appropriate consultant directly from the Innovate CV system.
The Career & Training Centre helps candidates gain an understanding as to skills and knowledge they lack and provides the opportunity to enrol on appropriate on-line interactive courses (over 100 on offer) to fill these gaps. All courses can be taken at the learner’s own pace, and these newly acquired skills can be displayed on their Innovate CV instantly.

See 6 Critical Components of a Winning Resume

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The Innovate CV TV series of business leader interviews on recruitment and career advice is perfect for any candidate seeking advice on how to get their desired job.
For recruitment agencies
Enhanced tracking resulting in greater transparency
Clear candidate “ownership”
A totally secure system, that is completely not searchable
Streamlined processes saving consultants time
Easy to manage a vast number of CVs
Creation of software in agencies own branding
Reduction in interview and screening time
A standard layout and template for each Innovate CV. 
This uniformity and clearly defined profile, will save recruitment consultants valuable time, and make their search more effective in matching an Innovate CV to the most appropriate role, as well as looking polished and consistent in front of clients.

Innovate CVs are easy to adapt and real-time, so no longer will numerous emails back and forth between the candidate, recruitment consultant, and client be necessary.

The Recruiters CV Organiser provides tracking, statistics, and filter options to consultants. 

For employers:
Innovate CV is the tool that will provide employers with a faster and more informed way of finding the right person for the job. The wasted time once spent by senior management in interviews with candidates who are clearly not right for the job will become a thing of the past.: Innovate CV offers increased functionality, transparency and consistency to enable worthwhile and meaningful comparisons, saving valuable time for the consultant. The Innovate CV system integrates easily with recruitment agencies existing systems, and this seamless and quick integration will allow consultants to reap the many Innovate CV benefits including Innovate CV is an interactive, new generation CV, that appropriately portrays a candidates credentials and achievements. 

See 3 Popular CV Formats: Know the Right One for You

Modern technology has changed and continues to change the way we operate every day, making us more efficient in everything we do. It’s now time to welcome and embrace the future CV. 

Innovate CV. The way forward for the recruitment process.


Frankly, even if a job doesn’t require too much technical know-how, a CV like any of the ones on Innovate CV will do a much better job than a paper CV in revealing a candidate’s ability to communicate effectively – one of the essential skill for the job market.

I can’t really see any downside to communicating your work experience, skills, education history and interests on your CV in this jazzy way. You can also have the traditional paper CV to accompany this. You should always look to maximise how to perfect your pitch so that you get noticed.

Are there other sites that will enhance a job seeker’s CV that you can add? Leave your comments below.


Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.
Catherine Adenle

Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.

View Comments

  • Thanks for the information. One must strive to move with the times or one gets left behind. I will consider having a jazzy CV.

  • I have one created already. Thanks for the heads up. Keep blogging, Catherine. I am also following you on Twitter. Love the job seeking tips, they are totally awesome.
    SB in NJ

  • Catherine,

    Thanks so much for featuring!

    We've really worked hard on it, trying to offer the best possible service we can to job seekers. We've also implemented a Career Traning feature which is very popular.

    In exciting news, we've just launched Innovate CV TV! We've interviewed forty or so professionals from around the world about job seeking and career development in their respective careers.

    Hopefully yours readers will find it a useful service in their own career planning.

    Catherine, all the best from the team at Innovate CV and keep up the great work!

    Daniella and Adam

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