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No Promotion at Work? See 6 Reasons Why You Are Bypassed.

Published by
Catherine Adenle

No promotion at work? If you have been in the same job for close to six years and you haven’t been promoted but have watched few of your colleagues as they climbed the corporate ladder, then, there are few things that you haven’t paid close attention to. The probability that few hindrances amongst the ones mentioned below are holding you back is high.



By Catherine Adenle

Let’s face it, you have to earn a promotion, it’s not a right. The truth is, you will never get promoted if:

1. You are seen as slacking

There will be no promotion at work for you if you are not efficient or never up for a challenge, you are seen as a slacker. If you are not efficient, you are also thought of as someone that is not reliable or dependable. That means that you are not able to finish the tasks you are supposed to finish. You may be part of a team, you might just do enough to get you by, but you are not contributing anything special to your team, hence, the lack of recognition by your manager. The way you are perceived is important. If you are always dodging responsibilities, not volunteering for things and hanging your head down when challenging opportunities are dangled in front of you, then, the services that you are offering aren’t enough. Overall, promotions are earned through hard work. You know you won’t get promoted when you aren’t doing the work to attain that sought-after promotion. No one wants to promote a slacker!

2. You make it obvious that you don’t like your boss

Can’t get along with your boss

Regardless of any professionalism at work, the sad fact of our working lives is that bosses tend to get even and the kind of relationship you have with your boss will affect any promotions for you.

Look at it this way, if you are someone’s boss and they have made it blatantly obvious that they don’t like you or that your orders are not for them, trust me, you will think twice before you offer them any promotion, especially if they are going to still be reporting to you in the new position.

Whether you like it or not, you still have to face that fact that even if you and your staff are professionals, personal factors could still get between you both. If you are at odds with your boss and you are looking to be promoted by him, you might be better off sorting any issues between you, looking for another job in the company, or looking somewhere else.

 3. You moan or whine about everything

It is good to speak up in certain circumstances but it is better to come up with solutions to problems rather than just moan. If you are openly critical about anything, especially the management, chances are that the company will take that up against you. You don’t need to be a yes woman or man but control your desire to throw too much criticism about anything.

Video: Why You Haven’t Been Promoted At Work

See 10 Effective Ways to Manage Your Career in a Tech-Driven World

Promotion ladder

When you are complaining about everything, you are giving whoever is in a position to promote you ammunition to use against you. It will be the main or one of the reasons why you can’t be promoted. It isn’t bad to complain about. But be sure your complaints are valid and you aren’t just whinging.

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4. You are not visible enough

It’s not enough to do a busy job; people need to know you are doing the work that adds value and have leadership potential written all over it. It is important that you do what you can to get noticed by the people who have the power to promote you.

When anything that you have worked hard on goes exceptionally well, write an article about it in the company’s newsletter or write an e-mail to management praising the team you worked with. You’ll get your name out there tied to a successful project and be seen as a leader. Make sure you’re visible in other ways too, such as volunteering to lead, contributing articles to the employee newsletter, mentoring new employees or chairing a project.

Stand out

5. You don’t look or act the part

There will be no promotion at work for you if you roll into work every day looking like you are going for a jog, you will not be seen as management material. If you want to do your boss’s job, then dress like your boss will dress. Dress like the people who are working in the position you want to be promoted to. Dressing sharp is not enough; you must back the dressing up with your attributes. Learn to walk the talk as well as talk the talk. In addition, make sure that your Social Media online id or image is professional.

See 11 Proven Ways to Demonstrate Your Value at Work

It is important to stand out in the crowd and be noticed for what you have to offer. You have to be innovative. Make proposals for smarter ways of working, come up with cost-saving initiatives and take every opportunity that you get to demonstrate your skills and how it can help your team, boss or company. If you also don’t get along with your colleagues, you will not be seen as a team player. It is important that you make friends and be civil with everyone in the office. It is imperative that you establish a healthy working relationship with all in your team or company.

Infographic: Guide on How to Get Promoted at Work

6. You haven’t discussed your development needs with your boss

If you are still waiting to tell your boss that you want to move up in the company, wait no more. You have to take the bull by the horns. Arrange a meeting now to make your intentions clear. Then start looking for ways to demonstrate your intentions. Volunteer your skills to partake or lead a project.

Volunteering is not good enough but going beyond just doing by doing well is what counts. If you are not sure of your skills, then, enrol in a course to upgrade any skills that will be useful for you to demonstrate at work.

See 20 Ways to Be Indispensable at Work (Infographic)

If you don’t think any of the above is the reason why you still haven’t been promoted, while co-workers climb the corporate ladder, it’s time to take a hard look at other things that you might be doing wrong.

If you think you are on top of your game already and your boss is not taking any notice, then, it is time to look for another job.

Let’s hear from you if you have other reasons to add. Just add your comments below.

Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.
Catherine Adenle

Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.

View Comments

  • That's a spot-on list. The memory of a few former colleagues of mine has sprung to mind as I was reading through the post. To help all readers prevent the disappointment of missing out on promotions, there is a great site dedicated to career and career advice I strongly recommend all job seekers:
    Best of luck

  • I like how you tell it as it is. People miraclously expect promotions to fall onto their lazy laps. We have to work hard and go after what we want. You want to be promoted? Then do what will make me, your manager think that you deserve the promotion. It is as simple as A-B-C.

  • Ask yourself if you truly deserve a promotion after reading this post. With your attitude at work, can you really lead?

  • My Name is Jeremy Marshall, a Stock Broker in One of the Biggest Bureau-De-Change in America. I have been working for my company for the past seven years (7yrs) with no PROMOTIONS in-spite of my qualifications and experience. All this where laid to rest when I meet Prophet Jumama who told me I had spiritual problems hindering my financial status. We did all the required processes and today; am a Branch Manager of my company. The interesting thing is, that I paid little or nothing for His services. He only told me to spread the news of his good deeds. With prophet jumama nothing is impossible. Contact him today with that Spiritual battle, Marriage problems, financial instability, Child support battle, Educational problem...etc. at Take a leap of faith today.

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