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100 Blog Articles That Every Job Seeker Should Read

Published by
Catherine Adenle

Explore these 100 Blog articles that every job seekers should read. As jobs are vanishing at the fastest rate in more than five years and as the pace is expected to increase before it subsides, it is important to know where to go in order to find helpful information or gather tools and tips on what do in order to secure a new job. This article contains the list of 100 Blog articles that every job seeker should read.


Written by Catherine Adenle

I came across an apt list of 100 Blog articles that every job seeker should read posted by the Online Universities and thought I should share the list with you, our readers.

As jobs are vanishing at the fastest rate in more than five years and as the pace is expected to increase before it subsides, it is important to know where to go in order to find helpful information or gather tools and tips on what do in order to secure a new job.

Whatever your situation, whether you have just been laid off, tired of your current job, yearning for a change or just graduating, you should take a look at these top 100 Blog articles that every job seeker should read list to see what you can do to help improve your chances of landing a good job.

Top 100 Blog articles that every job seeker should read

There are ample articles on how to create a personal brand, make the most of your current job search and ace interviews or keep your finger on the pulse of the current job market.  These 100 blog posts touch on everything and more. Enjoy…

Stand out

  1.  Use Storytelling Techniques in Personal Branding: Characterization. Learn how you can create an image of who you are through effective use of personal branding.
  2. On What is a Personal Brand and Why Do You Need One?. Get a little insight to help you understand why and how personal branding is important, especially for young professionals and students.
  3. The Seven Most Universal Job Skills. Make sure you have these skills down pat to ensure you fit the bill for almost any potential employer.
  4. Over qualified…and that’s a problem?. If you fear you may appear overqualified for the jobs you are applying, then check out this post.
  5. Digital Detective Work: Survey Shows Most Employers Search Online for Information About Potential Creative Hires. See the numbers from a national study that indicate how often employers search for information about candidates online.
  6. What’s In My Background Check? Mistakes That Can Cost You a Job. Many employers do background checks on potential employees. Find out what errors may be in your background check that could cost you the job.
  7. How To Optimize Your LinkedIn Summary & Profile To Get Jobs.  As a job seeker, having a LinkedIn profile is no longer a matter of choice. It’s a necessity. Why? Well, for starters, everyone is on LinkedIn – job seekers, recruiters, CEOs, that weird guy next door, your mom – everyone.

Positive Attitude

Positive Attitude

Keeping a positive attitude during your job search will make a huge difference on the outcome. These blog posts provide a starting place for that positive energy.

  1. Tips for Unemployed Job Seekers…Stay Positive!. Staying positive will change more than just your attitude while job hunting.
  2. Seven Tips for the Newly Unemployed. These seven tips will have you working in a positive direction.
  3. Steps to Maintaining a Positive Attitude. Follow these eight steps for staying positive no matter what.
  4. Hired: Remain positive, network if you’re unemployed. Turn the negatives of being unemployed into positives.
  5. 10 Valuable Tips to keep Spirits High during Recession. Don’t let the recession beat you; follow these tips instead.
  6. Unemployed? What You Can Do to Maintain a Positive Attitude. Searching for a job can be a positive experience, and this post explains how.
  7. Beating Recession Anxiety Naturally. Take these suggestions to ease any out-of-work anxiety you may have naturally.
  8. How to Think Positively. These suggestions will have you thinking more positively no matter how far down you may have started out.
  9. Lookin’ on the Bright Side. This post reminds you of the importance of staying positive.
  10. Amazing Opportunity. This unemployed woman shares how she looks on the bright side of her unemployment.
  11. Ten ways to stay positive while unemployed. You won’t let unemployment get you down when you take these ten suggestions.

Resumes and Cover Letters


These blog posts provide information to help you create the best resume and cover letters you can.

  1. 10 ways to make your resume stand out. If your resume hasn’t been getting much interest, learn how you can make it stand out in the stack of other resumes.
  2. Defining Resume Focus. This post talks about ways you can make sure your resume has the correct focus for the industry in which you are seeking a job.
  3. Don’t Send Your Resume Out Undressed. Sending a resume to “Dear Human Resources Director” may be the kiss of death. Find out more here.
  4. The Dysfunctional “Functional” Resume. If you are tempted to use a functional resume style, be sure to read this post first.
  5. Lying on Your Resume. It may seem like an easy way to land that job, but lying on a resume speaks volumes.
  6. 5 Phrases That Can Poison Your Resume. Avoid these five phrases to help ensure your resume makes it past the trash pile.
  7. Recruiters Don’t Always Read Cover Letters, But Ask If You’re Not Sure. Find out why you may not need to submit a cover letter to a recruiter with this post.
  8. Cover Letters & References: Don’t Ask, Don’t Send. Read this post to learn why more is not necessarily better when it comes to cover letters and references.
  9. Cover Letters; revisited. Get four simple tips to make your cover letter as effective as it needs to be without imparting too much information.

The Search


From revealing your current salary to working with recruiters, get plenty of helpful information on the job search with these posts.

Related Post
  1. Weeks 4-8. This job seeker shares some important tips on face-to-face networking and ways to alleviate job-searching stress.
  2. Does Candidate Have to Reveal Current Salary?. Many employers use a candidate’s current salary as a factor in determining hiring potential. Find out how to handle this tough situation here.
  3. Common Characteristics of Stories that Get People Hired. Learn how writing a story of your employment and personal life can connect you with potential employers.
  4. How to Search For a Job While Maintaining Your Current One. Use these tips to find out how to find a job while currently employed with discretion.
  5. How Would Steve Jobs Look for a Job?. Read this post to find out how you can step outside your preconceptions about your job search.
  6. The hardest part of your job search. Examine the hardest part of your job search and learn how to overcome it with the information here.
  7. Job Seekers: Time Management is Necessary. Use time management skills to better organize your job search.
  8. How to Get Recruiters To Reply To Your Resume. If you want to use a recruiter for your job search, then be sure to read this post that explains how one recruiter prioritizes his time.
  9. The Job Seeker’s Top 10 List. Job seekers should check out this top ten list of things they should be doing.
  10. The Ten Keys to Success at Job and Career Fairs. If you plan to attend a career or job fair, you should follow this advice.
  11. Plan Your Job Search Like a Wedding. Who would have thought a job search and wedding planning could be so similar? Check out this great advice and see for yourself.
  12. Simplify, simplify, simplify. It’s easy to make a job search too complicated. This blog post explains why simple is sometimes better.

Networking and Social Media

Networking and Social Media

Networking has always been an important part of finding a job, but with the social media explosion, it has now become an integral part of the job search. These posts will instruct you in how best to use networking, both in person and on line.

  1. Networking Pays Off. Find out why you should care about networking when you read this blog.
  2. To Blog or Not to Blog?. Discover the pros and cons of blogging during a job search with the information here.
  3. How Job Seekers Are Using Social Media for Real Results. Read about real people and how they found jobs via social media.
  4. social media showdown heats up for few job openings. Learn why social media networking is becoming a popular way to find a job.
  5. Why You Should Have a LinkedIn Profile. Using a LinkedIn profile as an online resume of sorts is a smart idea, and this blog post explains why.
  6. Book Review: The Twitter Job Search Guide. This post not only reviews this book on finding a job by using Twitter, but it also shares a few of the myths from the book.
  7. Twitter Tips for Job Seekers. If you are using Twitter for your job search, be sure to check out these helpful tips.
  8. Networking and the Inner Circle. This post provides a great list to get you started on building your networking circle.
  9. Are you on LinkedIn?. Not only does this post describe why you should be on LinkedIn for your job search, it also provides a link to tips and tools for using LinkedIn.
  10. Go Ahead, Talk to Strangers – Five Tips for Fearless Networking. This blog post links to a podcast that will help improve your networking with five simple tips.
  11. Using Your Blog as a Job Search Tool. If you already have an established blog, use it as a job search tool.
  12. Dos and Don’ts of Handling Business Cards. Learn what to do after someone has given you their business card at a networking function with the information here.


Job Interview

These posts give you the best tips to make the most out of that interview you’ve landed.

  1. Telephone Interview Tips. Read this post to learn how to ace a telephone interview.
  2. “Describe a Weakness”. Learn how to answer one of the most common interview questions you may encounter.
  3. Ask More Questions During Your Interview. Many consider the interview as a chance for the potential employer to find out about the candidate, but it is also important for the candidate to ensure the company is a good match, too. This post provides a few great questions you should ask during the interview.
  4. How to Tackle the MOST Dreaded Interview Question. When your potential employer asks you to tell about yourself, use these tips to make the best first impression.
  5. How to Ace a Behavioral Interview. Interviews have changed somewhat from how they used to be conducted, and many now ask potential employees to describe situations in which they used their traits to achieve success or solve problems. Read this post to find out how best to handle these types of interviews.
  6. How to Dress for an Interview. The interview dress code was much less complex when the only rule was “wear a suit.” Read this post to help navigate the more complex unwritten interview dress code rules that have developed in today’s job search.
  7. Answer Strategies to Common Interview Questions. Learn how to answer common questions encountered in job interviews.
  8. Why Did You Leave (or are you planning to leave) Your Last Job?. This question can be a sensitive one during an interview, so learn how best to answer it here.
  9. Fifty Standard Interview Questions. You shouldn’t be surprised by the questions that come up during your interview if you practice answering these 50 questions.
  10. When a Job Offer is Put on Hold. If you make it through the interview and are offered a job, but it is put on hold, find out how best to handle this situation.
  11. Follow-up Letter Samples. Show your appreciation for the interview by sending a follow-up letter. This information will provide you with the tools to do so.

Job Market

Job Market

Keep up with the trends affecting the job market when you read these posts.

  1. Top Industry Trends of 2010. See how individual industries are faring during the economic recovery with this post.
  2. Where are the jobs? Education and health services, that’s where. Learn about recent trends that show where the most job openings are located now.
  3. Just Released: World’s Most Admired Companies 2010. Find out which 50 companies have the best reputations and why they rank.
  4. The Get Better if You Want to Get Work Job Market. This post describes how the job market has shifted to one in which new skills are valued over experience with old skills and what you can do to make yourself marketable.
  5. Unemployment and Underemployment. Take a look at the startling numbers that describe the unemployment and underemployment crisis in America.
  6. Blue-Collar Jobs in Demand for 2010. Find out what blue collar jobs are growing fastest and what type of skills and education is necessary for them.
  7. How to get a job. See what this blogger suggests for landing a job in the current job market.

New Grads

New Grads

If you have just graduated or are about to do so, then these blog posts will be particularly relevant for you.

  1. Career Documents for New Graduates. Learn how to write your resume so that the experience you gained in college works for you in place of experience in the field.
  2. Interview Prep for New Grads. Recent grads will need to come to an interview ready to compete with those who have more experience, so find out here how best to prepare.
  3. Tips for Entry Level Jobs & College Grads. From awkward interview questions to job search sites, find all sorts of great information for new grads.
  4. Recession Job Search Tips for New Graduates. Graduating from college and trying to find a job during a recession may feel intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be.
  5. Conquering the Real World: A Guide for Achieving Success After College. Leaving school and working towards entering the career world just got easier with this blog post.
  6. It’s Never Too Early to Start Your Job Hunt. If you are about to graduate and are anticipating a job search, then read here to find out what you should be doing to prepare.
  7. Stimulus Jobs for New College Grads. See what jobs are growing based on the federal economic stimulus and what might be a great field in which to focus your search.
  8. On-Campus Interviewing Success. Learn how to talk to recruiters visiting your campus so that you can get interviews with the companies you want.
  9. Company-Site Interviewing Success. On-site interviews have a whole list of rules and etiquette all its own. Read here to make sure you know just what to do.
  10. Make the Most of Your First Job. Even before you land that first job, you should read this article to understand how to make the most of your first job out of college.

Reevaluating and Reentering Your Career

Whether you are returning to work after an absence, are making a career switch, or need help shifting your perspective on your career, these blog posts are full of great information.

  1. Stay-at-Home Mom Has Trouble Getting Back into Job Market. See what the Career Doctor recommends for this mom who is trying to get back into the job market after 10 years staying at home with her family.
  2. Retraining for a New Job? Beware of the Ups and Downs. Learning new skills for a job in a different field brings both positives and negatives, which you can read about in this post.
  3. How to Find a Low-Stress Job. If you would like your next job to be one with low stress, then read this post to find out how to find it.
  4. Job Search and Career Change Success Stories. Listen to this podcast to learn how several people successfully made career changes.
  5. How to Prepare for a Career Change, Job Loss or Self Employment. Prepare for a career change with the advice in this post.
  6. Three Who Followed the Market to a Better Job. Career change can be a successful move, as the three people profiled here clearly demonstrate.
  7. A career change in this economic climate? Absolutely!. Don’t let the economic state of affairs scare you away from a career change.
  8. Career Change from the Inside Out. Read about two books that will help you make important changes in not only your career, but how you approach your working life.
  9. Practical Tips for Professionals Ready for a Career Change. Be sure to check out these suggestions for making a career change.
  10. Switching Career Paths: Identifying Your Transferable Skills. Whether you are making a big or minor change in your career, make sure you can identify the skills that will serve you in both the old and new career.
  11. A return to school before a return to the job market. Online and part-time educational opportunities make returning to school an achievable goal for those in the middle of a job search or career switch.

Finding Inspiration


Don’t let that job search get you down. Find inspiration among these blog posts.

  1. Job Search Inspiration. The photographs and accompanying words in this video post are sure to offer inspiration to those feeling low.
  2. Intimacy and Unemployment: Boom or Bust. While experiencing unemployment, this former executive producer from NPR offered an informal exploration of the opportunities for more sex among the unemployed. This is sure to be inspiration for many.
  3. 100 Things to Do If You’ve Been Laid Off: Laid off and in Need of Inspiration. Check out these 14 suggestions that offer great ways to find inspiration while job seeking.
  4. TRE on Matador TV. Two brothers, inspired by the recession, found a way to help others by sharing their stories.
  5. Measure of a Man: Unemployed Man Seeks Identity. In a culture where identity is closely tied to employment, this blog post is a must-read.
  6. NPR Reports on Long Term Unemployment. This post provides a link to an NPR story that profiles inspirational people surviving unemployment.
  7. Faces of the Recession: John Dolza, 40. This man took his unemployment and made something positive for his community.
  8. Laid-off fashion writer chronicles journey in Vogue. This unemployed woman made the best of her situation.
  9. How to Use the Power of Perspective. Changing your perspective can change your life, as this article shows.
  10. Ten things to do while you are waiting on God promises to manifest. Those with a faith in God may find these tips to provide comfort and inspiration.

Do you know of any other pertinent posts on job search? If you do, please be sure to share with us.

Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.
Catherine Adenle

Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.

View Comments

  • That is the most comprehensive list of resources I think I have ever seen! Catherine, great job, once again.

  • Yet another brilliant and comprehensive list of great articles for all career minded people, especially, job seekers. Thanks for sharing, Catherine. BTW, I love the articles about interview questions and how to answer them. They are very revealing.

  • Great resources in one place for all job seekers and career minded individuals. This is a must read article for anyone in search of career fulfillment. Thanks, Catherine.

  • Very comprehensive list! Perhaps there is a way to organize all of these articles into different levels of job seekers. There are many levels and types of job seekers, and 100 articles seems difficult to prioritize. We are actually putting together a "job search guide" on our personal blog. Feel free to check it out and let us know what you think. P.S. It is a work in progress so check back in often!

  • Thankyou for this amazing article. These blog sure did help alot. I was in need of a job and found out about Brookwoods online. They are one of the best recruiting firms austin. They helped me get a job in no time and now I am very satisfied with my current employer.

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