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How do you stand out from the crowd on paper? Write a Knockout CV Summary!




This is a Guest post from Rebecca Airey, Community Assistant & Writer at job site


You may have been told that a CV Summary just isn’t necessary, but in actual fact it could be the most important part of your CV. A CV Summary is likely to be the only part of your CV that is read in its entirety, so if you write a strong and convincing one, you may be on to a winner.

Writing a summary at the top of your CV is your chance to stand out. You have an opportunity to grab the attention of the prospective employer and keep them reading, so make sure you take your time and do a good job.

You should use concise statements that highlight your most important achievements, qualities and skills, but make sure that they match up to the qualities that are most desired by the hiring manager.

Be sure that you have researched the position, the company and the field thoroughly and have assessed the qualities that you possess that make you the ideal candidate and perfect person for the job.

Here is the basis of what a successful Summary should include:

  • A short statement describing your profession
  • Followed with a statement about your expertise

·         Then add two or three statements that address:

–              the unique combination of skills that you possess

–              the depth or breadth of your skills

–              the range of experience you have

–              an achievement that you feel is particularly special

–              any promotions that you have received

  • One or more professional characteristics
  • A statement about a professional objective of yours

In order to have a concise and successful summary you’re not going to use everything in that list or use the same summary for each position that you apply for. Just remember to choose those that will give you the best advantage for the specific position you’re applying for.

Finally, if you are a Graduate and have little experience in the industry you are applying for, then focus on your abilities. However, if you are having a Career Change, then focus on what you have achieved in the past and how that has prepared you for your new career.

So what are you waiting for? Get writing your basic CV Summary, find the job you’ve always wanted and begin tweaking it to make yourself stand out above the rest to your potential employer.



Catherine Adenle
Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.
Catherine Adenle

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