
20 Reasons You Need to Change Your Job

Published by
Catherine Adenle

Explore 20 reasons why you need to change your job. If every morning when you get to work, you feel the need to change your job by constantly asking yourself, ‘Should I stay or should I go?’, then know precisely if you need to change your job.

By Catherine Adenle

This article will allow you to explore the 20 reasons why you need to change your job. Usually, there is a good reason why people feel the need to change jobs. However, this question is not easy for you or anyone to answer.

A recent study by Dale Carnegie Training showed that nearly three-quarters of employees aren’t fully engaged in their jobs. As an employee, your lack of engagement could be a sign of a lack of job satisfaction.

In the current economy, knowing why you need to change your job and making the decision to change it can be terrifying. For this reason, you may be forced to weigh the implications and consequences of leaving your current employer more than ever before.

Thinking of what to do can also be emotionally draining and exhausting. It is important that you consider taking some time to first examine what’s wrong with your current job, your options and what you want to do about the situation. Think of your financial commitments and how to cope should things not go as planned.

These are 20 reasons why you need to change your job

  1. Your manager is never interested
  2. Your company is struggling financially
  3. You feel like an outsider at work
  4. The culture of the company clashes with yours
  5. Your aspiration surpasses what your current organization can provide
  6. You have no room for progression
  7. You are always unhappy at work
  8. You are not being challenged
  9. Your values don’t align with the company’s
  10. Your manager moans constantly about your work
  11. You don’t feel challenged in any way
  12. Your manager asks for the presence of your supporting Human Resources Manager whenever he meets with you about your work
  13. You lack the resources needed to do a great job
  14. Your manager is grossly incompetent and inattentive
  15. Your passion for work has frizzled
  16. Your salary does not cover your monthly outgoings
  17. Lack of job security
  18. You always think the grass is greener somewhere else
  19. The commute to work is destroying your work-life balance
  20. You have an unfair amount of workload that is impossible to handle

Before you change your job and leave your current employee, think it through and take your time so that you can put your energy into finding something better.

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“I find a lot of people paralyzed by their unhappiness with their current reality,” says Leonard Schlesinger, the president of Babson College and co-author of Just Start: Take Action, Embrace Uncertainty, Create the Future. It’s often easier to stay put. “Most people stay too long in bad jobs because the corporate world is geared towards keeping us in roles, not matching individuals up with their ideal roles,” says Daniel Gulati, a tech entrepreneur and co-author of Passion & Purpose: Stories from the Best and Brightest Young Business Leaders.

In the interim, see what you can do to gain new skills, expand your network, improve your expertise or take on new challenging projects.

Invest in yourself by paying for professional development experiences like attending conferences, job fairs, courses, and training. As you do this, build professional relationships with influential people within and outside of your organization, particularly people who might be in a position to help you get promoted or find another job when the time is right.

If the need for more money is the overriding issue in your desire for a job change, don’t hesitate to ask for more money before you make a decision. Find out what the going rate for your job is first, if you don’t feel you’re getting paid enough, then, ask for more money. If an increase in pay solves your problem, then it’s worth asking.

Consider moving to another team or department in your organization if the problem is your manager, team or the work you are allocated. You may ask for a transfer but if you’ve tried to make the best of the situation and those attempts haven’t been successful, don’t feel bad about doing what you have to do to take care of yourself.

Be honest with yourself about why you’re not happy and make the changes that will make you happy. Before you change your job, see the Top 10 Things to Do Before You Change Jobs

Once you’ve decided to leave your current employer, make sure you already have a new job to go to before you hand in your quit notice. It’s always much easier to find a job when you are currently employed. Don’t ignore the consequences of quitting your current job hastily, regardless of how much you dislike your current job. Remember, voluntarily leaving your employer could compromise your eligibility for unemployment benefits.

At work, do you find yourself always asking, ‘Should I stay or should I go?’ So, do you know why you need to change your work? Now that you have explored 20 reasons why you need to change your job, are there any reasons you need to add? Let’s hear from you, leave your comments below.

Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.
Catherine Adenle

Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.

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