
35 Most Powerful Ways to Keep Your Job

Published by
Catherine Adenle

Explore these 35 most powerful ways to keep your job because it’s hard to get hired these days as hiring has not rebounded in the way that the stock market and housing market has. So, employees hunker down and stick with their current job.


By Catherine Adenle

It’s important to know the most powerful ways to keep your job. Whatever you do, if you are currently employed, unless you want to join the thousands of people looking for work, you have to find ways of keeping your job. In order to help you keep your work, explore these 35 most powerful ways to keep your job.

The level of unemployed increased partially because businesses utilized the recession to make a lot of workers redundant. Some of the skills possessed by the laid-off staff had been replaced by technology and automation solutions. Many organizations’ layoffs were not only to save money, but it provided some businesses with a good excuse to layoff anyone that they see as overpaid under-deliver, none conforming, slackers and older workers.

These are the 35 most powerful ways to keep your job:

1. First and foremost, do your job! Focus on your job and do what you’re getting paid for. This is one of the most powerful ways to keep your job. When it comes to making people redundant or making lay-off decisions and the organisation has to pick, the slacker will be the first to go and the most productive staff will be the one to keep their job.

2. No man is an island; know how to get on with your manager and colleagues. Staff who chose not to get along with others in the workplace or who are not willing to pitch in or help will be the first to go if they need to reduce overhead costs should arise.

3. Never say “that’s not my job”. Have a “can-do” attitude. If you cannot do something, find a better way to explain why you might need to partner with someone else to do the job or why the work should be given to someone else (base your reason on their speciality, time-saving advantage, knowledge of the task, getting it right the first time) but offer to help. Most successful managers earned their positions by doing work turned down by others who were in the habit of saying it’s not their job, and so managers appreciate employees who help to get the job done.

4. Be positive about your job and your place of work. The job market is in the employers’ favour now, so you have to be careful about executing any crabby behaviour at work.

5. Communicate with your manager. Keep the lines of communication open between you and your manager to benefit you. The more they know about what you are doing, the more they will remember you and keep you in the loop of events in your office.

6. Seek knowledge and be a self-learner. Volunteer for training, network and follow industry leaders on the internet (LinkedIn, Twitter and Googe+) to know what is happening in your field.

7. Don’t be a moaner, no one likes whingers! Another one of the most powerful ways to keep your job is to suck it up, regardless of how legitimate your complaints are, don’t moan. Instead, find a positive way backed by reasons to discuss with your manager and offer alternative solutions.

8. Love your job, get in on time, settle down and get cracking on your projects. Remember, there are plenty of other people who would jump at the chance of doing what you do in the same organisation.

See How to Turn the Job You Hate to a Job You Love

9. Pretend to yourself that you are part-owner of the company. Think if things are good for the organisation, it’ll be good for you too. This will help you see the bigger picture which is how well you and all the employees do your job, will determine the longevity and financial standing of the organization.

10. Showcase your skills and let them shine through your work. Focus and work on the projects that will show your skills. This is sure one of the most powerful ways to keep your job.

11. Always challenge yourself to work smarter, faster and more proficient in your role. This will get you noticed by your manager and perception is everything at work.

12. Never discuss your salary with your colleagues. What you earn is your problem and yours alone. Your salary discussion will always get back to your manager and may disrupt work.

13. Manage expectations. Always make sure you and your boss are on the same page with your objectives and all that you should deliver. If you haven’t been told, create your own set of expectations and show your manager. Always check in with your manager every month to confirm that you are on track to meeting expectations. Document feedback, make improvements and share your progress.

14. Keep it positive at all times. Move with friends who are positive, encouraging and nurturing. The workplace has its own share of emotional vampires and whiners, stay away from them.

See How Not to Get Fired

15. Come up with solutions and not problems. Don’t go to your manager every time there’s a problem. Use your initiative and solve problems. The more problems you can solve independently, the more responsible you will look. Always try to offer solutions, this will impress your manager and give your reputation a boost. This is sure one of the most powerful ways to keep your job.

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16. Participate in all the company initiatives. Join your colleagues and manager to participate in new business initiatives and join everyone for the company’s social activities. You meet colleagues from other parts of the organisation this way. It’s a good opportunity for you to network and widen your circle of influence.

17. Know your job and where to get information. The best way to impress your manager is to know how to do your job effectively. He doesn’t expect you to have all the answers. however, he expects that you know where to go to seek answers.

18. Promote yourself. Show what makes you unique to your organization, and promote your skills. Leverage your skills to add value and improve your company. Learn to think out of the box.

19. Be a complete finisher. Try your best and always finish an assignment no matter how much you would rather be doing something else. It is always good to have something to show for the time you have spent at work.

20. Volunteer for work. Be the first person to volunteer for work especially if it’s a job you can easily do. Offer your help if your team is struggling. Know how to multi-task, prioritise and do great work.

21. Help another colleague. In your downtime, see what you can do to help someone else who is struggling to complete their task in the team. You all have common goals and your help will help your organisation to stay in business.

22. Respect others and yourself. Another one of the most powerful ways to keep your job is to be civil and be professional at all times in business settings. Say thank you and compliment others when appropriate.

23. Stand out. Pick out one or more things in your job to do better than anyone else. Doing this will let you become the “go-to” person for such things. That will also help your manager to remember you favourably at times when he really needs to remember you.

24. Have a mentor. Pick one or two people who you see as a role model(s) for you at your workplace. Usually, the best mentors at work are two or three steps above you at work.

25. Know about your organisation. Be aware of the organization’s policy, value and culture.

26. Avoid the impulse to criticize your manager or the company. Find constructive ways to deal with problems. Employees who are known for their good attitude and helpful suggestions are the ones who keep their jobs.

27. Flexibility is a major component of keeping your job. When the company needs someone to take on new work, adhere to change in process, change shifts or put in some extra time, be the first to comply and if you cannot, explain the reasons to your manger.

28. Know your manager’s objective. Be in synch with your manager and help him to shine by ensuring that he meets his objectives that cascaded to you. Ask him the best way for you to better support him.

29. Know that the customer is king. If you deal with customers, remember that the customer is king and have the ability to get you or anyone fired. If you don’t have customers you will not have an organisation to work in or be part of a thriving business.

30. Be proactive. Try to always be a step ahead at work. Anticipate what will be asked of you, and do what is required to meet it. Be in the loop regarding the organisation news and have a “ready to help” attitude at work.

31. Be innovative and creative in your position. This will give you the enthusiasm and gusto that will place you on top of the wave needed for your career.

See Creative Thinking Exercises: How to Think Out of the Box

32. Inform your manager of any tardiness or absences beforehand. Call in and talk to your manager if you know you will be late to work or absent. Lots of absences or tardiness is not tolerated in most organisations especially without notice.

33. Never steal anything from your workplace. If you want to use anything that belongs to your organisation, be sure to take permission to borrow it – you will get fired if caught stealing.

34. Keep to deadlines. Deadlines are there for a reason. Missing deadlines will back up other work and things or make your boss look bad.

35. Can’t be bothered with the 34 points above? If you read the points above and you don’t see yourself keeping to them, then you may need a change of job. So, prepare to search for another job before you get fired.

Whatever you do, remember that you got your job because the manager thought you could do the job. Your competence alone isn’t enough to keep your job. Be passionate about your work and take pride in it.

Do you have more tips to add to the 35 most powerful ways to keep your job? Let’s hear from you. Add your comment below.

Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.
Catherine Adenle

Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.

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