
Video: 8 Things Never to Say at Work

Published by
Catherine Adenle

Explore this video: 8 things never to say at work. The things highlighted in the video will let you know the things you must not say at work to anyone. In the video: 8 things never to say at work, we compiled 8 of the most offensive things you can say at work to your colleagues or manager.


By Catherine Adenle

“Before you speak, think – Is it necessary? Is it true? Is it kind? Will it hurt anyone? Will it improve on the silence?”

When it comes to saying anything in a professional environment, you should, think and ask yourself these five questions:

  • Is it necessary?
  • Is it true?
  • Is it kind?
  • Will it hurt anyone?
  • Will it improve on the silence?”

So, if you are an employee, the things highlighted in this video: 8 things not to say at work should never escape your lips in a moment of stress or frustration. Agreed, things can get heated at work. Nevertheless, if you don’t own your own business but you work for an employer, part of the work etiquette that you must adopt is to watch what you say to your manger, colleagues, internal and external customers. Sadly, some employees feel they have the right or the need to voice what comes to their mind first before they think it through.

At work on a particularly tough or busy day, there is the tendency to say any of these things never to say at work. Any of the things explained in the video: 8 things never to say at work could easily find their way out of your lips especially when things aren’t going your way.

Admittedly, it is hard to remain quiet especially when you feel you are being treated unfairly. Nonetheless, it’s always good to try and put some time between anything or anyone you see as testing your patience and the response you give to it. Remember, a little reflection time will give you a chance to ponder, adjust your composure and say the right thing rather than say any of the highlighted in the video: 8 things never to say at work.

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Lashing out at people where you work doesn’t work. It only creates hostility and resentment. There is always a good and bad way of saying things. Saying anything in a good way helps to preserve and reinforce work relationships.

See The 10 Worst Things Bosses (And Employees) Can Say

At work, in the heat of the moment when you feel a desire to say anything bad, rather than voice what is in this video: 8 things never to say at work; take a deep breath and try and come up with something that explains your point nicely.

At any time, if you feel you’re being taken an undue advantage of, then don’t moan loudly about it. Instead, go to your manager and speak up about it in a professional manner.

See 17 Things You Should Never Say to Your Boss

Remember, saying bad things to others keep you in a negative mind-set. At work, say nice things instead to guide yourself towards a positive state of mind. Words can help you find a way, but when you are not careful with your words, they can cause you your growth at work.

See 12 Things to Never Say to Younger and Older Co-workers

Now that you have seen the video: 8 Things never to say at work, what else can you add? Add your comments below.

Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.
Catherine Adenle

Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.

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