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Explore top tips on how to ace your certification exams. These days, no job is for life anymore. You have to grow your career by gaining any required certifications in or beyond your field. Getting a certification is a proof that you know what you’re doing as a professional. It provides you with an external validation that you have the skills needed to succeed. If you have proven your knowledge, then gain the status required via these top tips on how to ace your certifications exams.


Top Tips on How to Ace Your Certification Exams

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These are top tips on how to ace your certification exams. The career landscape has changed and so are the jobs that are available in the recruiting market. To increase your chances of finding a great job under the current circumstances, you have to prepare to grow your career by gaining any required certifications in or beyond your field.

Getting a certification is a proof that you know what you’re doing as a professional. It provides you with an external validation that you have the skills needed to succeed. If you already have proven knowledge in your field, then it’s time to gain the status required via a certification exam using these top tips on how to ace your certifications exams.

The pandemic has certainly made job hunting and career switches a tad harder. In-person networking events are mostly cancelled and on-site job shadowing and informational interviews are now on pause. However, a lack of face-to-face opportunities doesn’t mean those career opportunities are completely gone!
The internet has become a great resource for many employers and job seekers alike. There are many ways you can still boost your career success while navigating the pandemic. Side hustles, self-employment and skill development are all accessible at the click of a button.

One way you can continue working on advancing your career is by earning new certifications or licenses. These are great ways to learn new skills and give yourself an edge in your current field while some certifications or licenses are required to start a new career.

A few online certifications that anyone can get include:

Other certifications require a few years of experience in a specific profession or other requirements. Here are a few:

Regardless of the certification you pursue, you should prepare for a long period of studying. Cramming and late-night study sessions that might’ve worked in school will likely not work when preparing for any certification exam. These tests cover a wide range of topics that you are expected to not only memorize but comprehend. Additionally, some tests require a level of mastery for a tool or set of tools.

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The best way to study is to spread out your study time, prepare a productive study area and research studying techniques that fit you and your schedule. If you have a full-time job and take care of family members throughout the week, you may not have as much free time to study as you did in school. This is where spaced practice becomes vital.

Spaced practice, also known as distributed practice, is simply the method of spacing out your study time. Studies have found that spaced learning helps long-term learning as well as memory and problem-solving. This is one of many science-backed study techniques you can use while preparing for an upcoming certification exam. 

Take a look at the collection of expert study tips below to pick up a few studying and test-taking tips before your big certification.

See Expert Study Tips for Passing Certification Exams

Infographic: Expert Tips for Passing Certification Exams

expert study tips to pass certification exams infographic

Now that you have explored the top tips on how to ace your certification exams, what can you add? Let us head from you. Leave your comments below.

Catherine Adenle
Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.
Catherine Adenle

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