Catherine's Career Corner

Author Archive


Wednesday, April 4th, 2018

6 Most Sought-After Tech Career Skills (Infographic)

Explore the 6 most sought-after tech career skills by employers. Technology is always evolving, so are the skills needed. Obviously, there are far more tech skills desired by employers than just more than these 6 most sought-after tech career skills. However, knowing these 6 most sought-after tech career skills will help you to navigate a

Thursday, February 8th, 2018

7 Undeniable Reasons Why Quick Adaptation to Change is Vital at Work

Explore 7 undeniable reasons why quick adaptation to change is vital at work. Change is everywhere you turn these days. There are internal and external forces driving enterprises to implement frequent and widespread changes to their business...

Wednesday, December 13th, 2017

Employee Motivation and Retention Strategies: Focus on Feedback Loops

Explore employee motivation and retention strategies. Know why it’s important to focus on feedback loops and not just perks. Any positive work environment will strengthen an employee’s motivation and retention in an organization. Giving perks to employees without...

Friday, October 20th, 2017

Are You a Workplace Zombie? 12 Ways You Demonstrate Disengagement at Work (Infographic)

Explore these 12 ways you demonstrate disengagement at work. Are you a workplace Zombie? Find out by exploring this article. If you think you have nothing to do with your level of engagement at work, it’s time...

Wednesday, August 30th, 2017

How Effective Communication Propels Organizations (Infographic)

Explore how effective communication propels organizations. Knowing how effective communication propels organizations will help you to make changes to how you communicate in your organization.   By Catherine Adenle Knowing how effective communication propels organizations is vital...

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017

Successfully Implement Fast, Dramatic and Powerful Change

Explore how to successfully implement fast, dramatic and powerful change via these 39 top change management tips shared by 13 well-known change experts. A seminal study by Harvard Business School professor emeritus, John P. Kotter, revealed that...

Thursday, June 22nd, 2017

12 Most Effective Communication Channels for Change

Explore the 12 most effective communication channels for change in organizations. Any organization doing business in today’s volatile business environment must ensure they create an organization that is adept at making swift and successful changes. By Catherine...

Friday, November 11th, 2016

20 Ways of How NOT to Ask for Pay Increase

Explore 20 ways of how not to ask for pay increase from your boss at work. If you want to supercharge your pay or you think you are due for an increase in pay, it is vital...

Tuesday, October 11th, 2016

20 Things Employees Value (Infographic)

Explore 20 things employees value most in all organizations. Contrary to what most people think, when it comes to job satisfaction, financial reward is lower on the list of what employees value most at work.   By...

Thursday, July 28th, 2016

How Not to Implement Change in Organizations: 20 Ways

Explore 20 ways of how not to implement change in organizations. Change is demanding and challenging, so knowing how not to implement change in organizations will enable you to plug any change management gaping holes in your...

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