Catherine's Career Corner

Author Archive


Monday, January 18th, 2010

Tips on Some Dos and Don’ts When Asking for Promotion Opportunities at Work

According to, if you are considering asking about promotion opportunities at your job, and wondering about the steps to take to ensure that your boss sees you as a valuable employee, this is the post for you. See the dos and don’ts when asking for promotion opportunities at work. To advance at work, you will need

Monday, January 11th, 2010

Take Advantage of Free Skill Builders From Mind Tools

Each year, helps more than 10,000,000 visitors learn the essential skills they need for an excellent career. Isn’t it time you discovered the secrets of their success? Take advantage of free skill builders from Mind Tools....

Thursday, December 31st, 2009

100+ Career Blogs ALL Professionals MUST Read

These are the career blogs all professionals must read. Are you seeking great career tips or job opportunities? Career Rocketeer has compiled the ultimate and solid list of 100+ career blogs all professionals must read.    ...

Tuesday, December 29th, 2009

Free CV Templates From Monster

Want a winning CV or Resume? See free CV templates from Monster. They surveyed recruiting and career experts to find out what causes them to toss a CV in the trash at first look. So,  they know all...

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

Moving Up the Ladder: 10 Strategies for Getting Yourself Promoted

Some career experts say that the day you start a new job you should begin planning for your next job. And you know what? You should! Just make sure that you stay focused enough on the job you were...

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009

Job Search: Utilize Social Networks

Searching for a job? Explore how to utilize social networks. When it comes to searching for a job these days, networking opportunities are everywhere. The internet is a vast hub of all things related to job search. There, you will...

Thursday, November 26th, 2009

Career Advice Videos from Monster

When it comes to career advice videos, Monster is at the forefront of offering tips and a countless number of industry tools such as  CV templates, expert eBooks, quizzes, virtual job interviews,  snapshots, the latest news and...

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

40 Job Interview DOs and DON’Ts

Explore 40 job interview dos and don’ts. There are thousands of candidates looking for jobs right now and because of this, employers don’t have to compromise in any way. They will persevere until the right candidate comes...

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

8 Ways Not to Get the Job You Want

Job seekers, as you pound the pavements looking for jobs and as you send out countless number of job search emails, there may be a number things that you are doing to sabotage your job search. See...

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

50 Interview Questions and Answers

Have a Job Interview? These 50 Interview Questions and Answers will help you to prepare for the interview. These are 50 interview questions and answers for job seekers. Review these typical interview questions and think about how...

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