Catherine's Career Corner

Author Archive


Sunday, January 11th, 2009

30 Job-Seeker’s Glossary of Key Job-Hunting, and Career Terms

Explore this 30 Job-Seeker’s Glossary (A-D) of Key Job-Hunting, Career, and Employment Terms.   Quintessential’s glossary of job, career, and employment terms is designed to give job-seekers a quick definition — and then provide links where you can find more details, samples, and much more information. Have questions about any career lingo? Check out Glossary

Saturday, January 10th, 2009

10 CV Clangers

Writing a CV not only demands time but also unwavering attention to detail. You have to think back for dates of education and jobs; you need to work out what you should say, and then write, revise...

Friday, January 9th, 2009

The 10 Worst Things You Could Say To Your Boss

The daily reality of being a boss is hard work, thankless even. So why make life harder for the both of you. Heres a light-hearted look at some of the things you should avoid saying, unless you’re...

Thursday, January 8th, 2009

These Are Top 10 Jobs of 2009

These are 10 top jobs of 2009. Each year, we identify jobs that will be in highest demand and there are always the usual suspects from the fields of health, education, health, marketing and IT. Although these...

Wednesday, January 7th, 2009

3 Secrets to Getting a Work At Home Job

On any given day there are hundreds of legitimate work at home jobs posted online. Even today, in a tanking economy employers are hiring people to work from home. But many people still struggle to find these...

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

Getting The Job You Want Now, See these 10 Secrets

The competition for available jobs today is too fierce. Yet, you can beat the competition and actually get hired in the job you really want. Here are TEN secrets to consider: 1. – If you are using...

Monday, January 5th, 2009

Covering Letter No-Nos…

Covering letters are your first sales pitch to a potential employer. Employers receive hundreds of CVs and covering letters from people who are applying for the job you want. Your goal is to stand out from the...

Sunday, January 4th, 2009

Land Your Dream Job with 10 Good Interview Skills

All your weeks and months of searching for the perfect job have finally paid off. You have just been asked to attend an interview with the perfect company for a position that was tailor made for you....

Friday, January 2nd, 2009

Tips on Surviving Your First Week on the New Job

Be Part of the Team Make an active effort to become a part of the team. A major part of working is being able to get along well with colleagues. Build rapport Make a concerted effort to...

Wednesday, December 31st, 2008

Once Hired, Tips on Handling Your First Day on the Job

The First Impression The first impression is important as this sets the tone for your future workplace relationships. First impressions are based upon your actions, comments, dress, and non-verbal behaviour. Dress Because you observed how others were...

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