Friday, November 4th, 2011
Networking with other professionals in your industry is beneficial when you are looking for job or any other business opportunities. Written by Catherine Adenle I am aware that the word ‘networking’ to a lot of people is a word that evokes anxiety. While most would agree it’s a necessary evil, only a few know how
Tuesday, November 1st, 2011
It is great to make your dream of becoming your own boss by being self employed come true. Let’s face it; it doesn’t have to remain a dream forever. In fact, you can get started with some...
Friday, October 21st, 2011
How do you stand out from the crowd on paper? Write a Knockout CV Summary! This is a Guest post from Rebecca Airey, Community Assistant & Writer at job site You may have been told...
Tuesday, October 18th, 2011
If you had a magic wand and you could pick any employer of your choice to work for, who would you pick? So, who is your dream employer and why? By Catherine Adenle I am a...
Sunday, October 9th, 2011
It is easy, in this over-commercialized world for us to think that money is everything. In actual fact, this is not necessarily true. To get into high paying jobs you will have to study and develop your...
Wednesday, October 5th, 2011
Like it or not, great managers are essential to any successful organisation. An exceptionally good manager achieves a hard working, productive and effective workforce that punches above its weight in its performance. So, how great are you...
Friday, September 30th, 2011
Need a job now and you don’t want to hear “don’t call us, we will call you?!” Then, follow these 8 sure fire tips to secure the job that you deserve. Written by Catherine Adenle Agreed, your...
Sunday, September 25th, 2011
The question is do you recognise why you are stressed at work? Do you allow the enemy inside your head in form of negative thoughts, self talk and views to overtake your life? are you creating your...
Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011
If you consistently moan at work, you may be the problem. If you think your boss is the ‘he’ devil incarnate, your HR manager is a buffoon and your colleagues are morons, then there’s a better than...
Wednesday, August 17th, 2011
Have you ever wondered what your Manager thinks of you? Does he see you as a hardworking member of staff who goes above and beyond or as a clueless brownnoser?