Do you have the 8 most critical skills to ride your career wave to the max? In this new environment of rapid technological change and increased global competition, great business skills equal more job opportunities and more job opportunities equal higher earnings. Written Catherine Adenle Know if you have the 8 most critical skills
Do you know the most asked job interview questions and how to answer them? As a job seeker, when it comes to you persuading the interviewer that you are the best candidate for the job, you have...
Need a job? Explore 30 sure-fire tips that will help you to keep your job search more focused! Be sure to only apply for jobs that you are qualified to do or for which you have the...
Your CV will be scanned by the hiring manager just for about 10 seconds, so it’s important to have an effective CV. Explore 20 CV tips that land job interviews. By Catherine Adenle OK, usually your CV...
These are the 40 most important Social Media for HR Professionals. Human resources are the art of working with humans (hence the name). And anyone concerned with dealing with today’s humans had better be prepared to also...
Are you in the process of leading change at work? You cannot be leading change if you don’t have the roadmap to lead a successful change. With the roadmap, you need to build in a number of...
If you are keen to develop your career further this year, then ensure that you have some New Year resolutions to help your career. Explore the 6 New Year career resolutions for you as put together by...
According to EconMatters, these days, a college degree and years of experience do not necessary mean a good job like they used to, and competition is fierce for the few available openings. Coping with this New Normal,...
These days, when you are looking for a job, you can feel inundated if you think about the amount of factors beyond your control that might affect your chances of getting hired. Unknowingly, you may be the...
Networking with other professionals in your industry is beneficial when you are looking for job or any other business opportunities. Written by Catherine Adenle I am aware that the word ‘networking’ to a lot of people is...