Let’s help you to get the job, keep the job and lead! Here at Catherine’s Career Corner, we have tips and resources to help you with your career. By Catherine Adenle Job Search in order for you to get the job, keep the job and lead, we’ve put together a list of posts
According to EconMatters, these days, a college degree and years of experience do not necessary mean a good job like they used to, and competition is fierce for the few available openings. Coping with this New Normal,...
These days, when you are looking for a job, you can feel inundated if you think about the amount of factors beyond your control that might affect your chances of getting hired. Unknowingly, you may be the...
Have you ever thought of working for companies like Facebook, Google, and Procter & Gamble? If this is the case, then, have you wondered how you would answer some of the unusual questions they ask at their...
Networking with other professionals in your industry is beneficial when you are looking for job or any other business opportunities. Written by Catherine Adenle I am aware that the word ‘networking’ to a lot of people is...
How do you stand out from the crowd on paper? Write a Knockout CV Summary! This is a Guest post from Rebecca Airey, Community Assistant & Writer at job site Adzuna.co.uk You may have been told...
If you had a magic wand and you could pick any employer of your choice to work for, who would you pick? So, who is your dream employer and why? By Catherine Adenle I am a...
Need a job now and you don’t want to hear “don’t call us, we will call you?!” Then, follow these 8 sure fire tips to secure the job that you deserve. Written by Catherine Adenle Agreed, your...
The thought of making a career change can invoke all sorts of emotions, from excitement at starting afresh to anxiety about throwing away a stable job. So, when it comes to career change, how do you know...
As a job seeker, finding the job you are looking for is not easy and often most job seekers need some help with the process. The most important factor in securing your next job is to be sure...