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If you have recently been laid off, these unemployment tips and resources are for the recently laid off.


Are you feeling dejected because you have just been laid off? Well, it’s time to dust your self off and take actions that will help you to secure anther job.

The articles below from Wise Bread and other personal finance blogs are helpful if you have just been laid off or if you suspect that you will soon be laid off. They are grouped into these four sections.

(You can click on the link to jump to the section, or scroll down.)

1. Initial Shock: Coping With a Layoff
2. Getting a New Job: Tips for Finding and Getting Your New Job
3. Scrounging Up Some Extra Income
4. Still Have Your Job? Avoid Getting Laid Off

Don’t forget to check out the links to job boards and other job hunting resources below:

General Job Sites – Employers can post jobs directly at these sites. Usually for a fee. The bigger sites also have job search engines that scour other job boards for listings.

* Monster
* Craigslist – Largest local classified ads site
* Yahoo HotJobs

Job Search Engines – These sites aggregate listings from around the web.

* – Aggregates search listings from all over the web
* Jobster
* Just Posted
* LinkUp – Scours company websites for job postings
* RiseSmart – For $100,000+ jobs

Niche Job Boards – Top job sites for some specific specialities.
* – Tech jobs (US)
* Media Bistro – Media jobs (US)
* Problogger Job Board – Blogging jobs (US)

Initial Shock – Coping With a Layoff

Seven Tips for the Newly Unemployed

The unemployment rate in California surged to 6.9%, and that is equivalent to the rate in early 2003. Most news reports say that unemployment will probably go up a bit more in the short term as our economy deals with the credit crisis. Personally, I am seeing some friends and family deal with unemployment right now, and here are some tips that could be helpful for those in this situation. By Xin Lu

You May Have to Fight for Your Unemployment Benefits

If you’ve recently been laid off, you may have to fight for your right to collect unemployment from the government. You probably know that if you are fired, you can’t collect unemployment from the government. Although qualifications can vary from state to state, generally, only people who are laid off from their jobs will qualify for unemployment benefits. But did you know that, even if you are laid off, your employer can challenge your right to receive benefits? By Andrea Dickson

Getting By Without a Job, Part 1 – Losing a Job

Losing a job is always tough. During hard economic times — when it may not be possible to find another job as good as the one you’ve lost — it’s even tougher. Here are a few steps you can take right after losing a job to make sure that your financial house is in order, so that you can focus on your job search. By Philip Brewer

Getting By Without a Job, Part 2 – Boost Income

If there’s one fundamental rule for financial success, it’s “spend less than you earn.” That rule applies whether you have a job or not. But, if you’re used to having a job, the adjustments to getting by without one are going to be huge. It can be done, though. I suggest a three-pronged strategy, the first prong being to boost your income. By Philip Brewer

Getting By Without a Job, Part 3 – Cut Spending

With the economy tanking, more and more people will be not just losing their job, but will be finding themselves without one for an extended period. When that happens it’s not good enough to just cut back a little and use debt to make ends meet until the economy recovers. Getting by without a job is possible, even for an extended period — but it requires taking drastic measures to cut spending, and it requires taking them early, while you’ve still got some cash. By Philip Brewer

Getting By Without a Job, Part 4 – Get Free Stuff

There are all kinds of ways to get stuff without money. You can grow it in a garden, gather it from the wild, make it yourself, get it as a gift, scavenge it from trash, or get it free from someone who hopes to sell you something else. All of these generally involve spending time instead of spending money–but someone who’s getting by without a job probably has some time to spend.

Emergency Belt-Tightening

Typical personal finance advice would have you divide your budget categories into two groups: Your fixed expenses and your discretionary expenses. I generally don’t like that distinction much–how is your power bill more fixed than your grocery bill? When you reach the point of emergency economizing, though, it’s a useful way to structure your thinking. By Philip Brewer

Finding and Getting a New Job

How to Answer 23 of the Most Common Interview Questions
Let’s face it; no one likes the interview process. Well, certainly not the people being interviewed anyway. You have to be on your best behaviour, you only get one chance to get it right, and it’s like taking your driving test all over again. Over the years I’ve been to countless interviews. Here I present 23 questions you’re likely to be asked, and how I have learned to answer them. Why 23? Because I had more than 20 and less than 25. Remember, being interviewed is a skill, and if you do the preparation you should ace it every time. By Paul Michael

Laid Off? What To Do Before Plunging Into The Job Search
Your company has announced a soon-to-come lay-off or you’ve been escorted out of the door. What’s next? What should you do…before updating your résumé, tapping into your professional network, and looking for a job? (Those of you who are considering career changes may also find this guide useful). By Julie Rains

Resume Dos and Don’ts
Now isn’t the time to slack in this area if you’re looking for a job, you’re competing with literally hundreds to maybe thousands for one position. If you’re looking for work, take a second look at your resume and make sure your resume and cover letter at least falls within the following guidelines. By Ginger (at Consumerism Commentary)

Read more articles like these on job hunt here…


Catherine Adenle
Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.
Catherine Adenle

2 thoughts on “Help! I Have Just Been Laid Off

  1. Wow! Thanks so much for including so many of our job-related articles in your roundup! Such a comprehensive site you have, and I’ll be sure to send folks your way if they need advice for beginning a new career.


    Linsey Knerl
    Senior Writer

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