Catherine's Career Corner

April 23rd, 2013
Your A – Z Career Guide

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This A – Z Career Guide contains what you personally need to do to develop, advance, or even change your career. Explore and utilize the A – Z Career Guide in order to soar in your professional life.



A – Z Career Guide: How to manage your career development

Written by Catherine Adenle

This A – Z Career Guide will help your career development. As we all know, career development is a lifelong process. To develop your career strategies, you need to have a set of career guides. This will help you to head toward your dream career. If you are already on your career journey, this A – Z Career Guide will help you in your many career adventures, so that your career journey can be more exciting and satisfying.

Your A – Z Career Guide:

A – Adaptability to change is important in your career so apply wisdom.

B – Be vigilant in ensuring that you follow trends and forces shaping your industry.

C – Communication is needed to get you from one point to the other in your career. Be effective and efficient when you communicate with others in your team, department or group.


D –Dress for success and be professional.

E – Expand your skills and knowledge as the gold standards of years ago are now the qualifying standards of today. Invest energy and time in learning.

F – Focus on what you can do to add value to your team, group or company.

G – Go the extra mile in everything that you do like the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the ‘extra’.

H – Heighten your networking skills and grow your network to increase your circle of influence.

I – Ignore distractors and be focused on meeting your objectives and getting results.

J – Join professional bodies for professional recognition, access to industry news, surveys, reports, updates, career information, jobs and details of industry events.

K – Keep your focus in order to meet your goals and objectives.

L – Learn at work, growing involves learning. It is in the context of work that most of our learning as adults will take place.

M – Manage your workload, time and prioritize.

N – Network as if it’s going out of fashion! New contacts will help you to learn more about what’s happening in other sectors.

See A – Z Guide of How to Get Noticed at Work

Your A - Z Career Guide

O – Opportunities are everywhere, look for them. Promotion is not just vertical; moving sideways can be good for your career.

Go the extra mile in everything that you do as the difference between ordinary and extra-ordinary is the ‘extra’.

See 11 Proven Ways to Demonstrate Your Value at Work

P – Passion is necessary as rediscovering your career passion is something you will confront at some point in your career. Your career is not always going to be on a constant uptrend. It is usually a series of ups and downs and sometimes the down seems to be longer than usual. Then, you may need to rediscover your career passion.

Q – Quality work is what will set you apart from the others. Doing the bare minimum daily to get you by will get you nowhere.

R – Self-respect and respect go hand-in-hand; realize that other people’s agendas are as important to them as your particular agenda is to you.

S – Step out of your comfort zone! The first step to moving out of your comfort zone is realizing that you are in one. The zone can be so comfy and ‘normal’ that you don’t know where you are. Taking the time to sit down on a regular basis and assess how you are progressing in your career is a great way to flag this up.

T – Think outside the box! Times have changed. The world is a lot smaller and we are more connected. The traditional concept of a “job” has forever changed and only those who are adaptable and think on their feet will be prepared to meet the needs of tomorrow head-on.

U – Unleash your talent. Learn what makes you ‘glow’ at work and how you can fully utilise your talents. Your strengths and potential will accelerate your success.

V – Visualize success at work. You have the power to program your subconscious minds to assist you in getting what you want. It may sound simple, but the act of visualizing your dreams will make them more achievable.

W – Work your butt off and volunteer for projects.

See Make a Great Impression at Work

X – Xtra works now and then will show your enthusiasm and commitment. Believe me, your manager is watching.

Y – Your attitude will determine your altitude at work.

Z – Zero career regret is what you want to have later in life

Now that you have seen this A – Z Career Guide list, do you have anything more to add? Let’s hear from you, just add your comment below.

Catherine Adenle
Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.
Catherine Adenle

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