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Want to know the 20 quickest ways to get a job now? Tired of pounding the pavements looking for your dream job? It’s time to explore these 20 quickest ways to get a job now as showcased on the Infographic below. These quickest ways to get a job now are through a combination of sure-fire ways through social networking and by word of mouth.

20 Quickest Ways to Get a Job Now

By Catherine Adenle

Explore 20 quickest ways to get a job now if you have been searching for your dream job unsuccessfully before now. As a job seeker, it’s vital that you know the fastest ways to get a job now or you may be looking for a long time without any success. If you’re only searching for a job by checking the classified ads in your local or national papers, asking your family and friends and looking for “vacancy” signs, then you may be missing out on jobs that could be paying more, have more potential for growth, interesting and more promising than anything you’ve tried so far.

A basic understanding of how to search and apply for jobs effectively online can place you ahead of the competition by landing your dream job. The 20 quickest ways to get a job now will help you with your online job search. However, to successfully snag a job, it’s important that you know how to craft a brand for yourself online.

Remember, if it’s anywhere on the web, then consider it public! As a job seeker, you must know that your digital footprint is now more important to recruiters than your CV. In a way, Google has replaced your well-crafted electronic CV and cover letter. How we search for jobs in this digital age is all about crafting a personal brand online and selling that brand to prospective employers using a variety of media.

The social web has changed how we search for jobs as well as the organizations that are doing the recruiting. Most recruiters now use LinkedIn and Google searches to perform an unofficial background check on job seekers. These recruiters also find talents online instead of paying to place their job adverts in newspapers or search through talent databases and job boards.

In addition, today’s job market is more fluid than it used to be and that affects how we all search for and snag jobs. That’s why your professional profile on LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and Facebook is important. On these social networking sites, especially on LinkedIn, you get the chance to follow or connect with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), rub digital shoulders with successful and interesting people or follow the companies that you admire their culture, values, and principles.

Job hunting has also turned into a constant activity for most people. Even people who have good jobs continue to job hunt for better jobs. So, if you are looking for the quickest ways to get a job now, how do you utilize the web to your full advantage in a digital age?

According to the summary of the report on online reputation research commissioned by Microsoft and conducted by Cross-Tab in France, Germany, UK, and US, findings showed that whether it is for a job application, friendship, dating, or other purposes, when people want to learn about someone, they turn to the ever-growing pool of information on the web.

See 50+ Tips to Brand Yourself Online

Online reputation, therefore, plays an important role in personal and professional life and has become a significant factor in helping employers to make hiring decisions. This study also explored the attitudes of consumers, HR professionals, and recruiters on the subject of online reputation. In particular, it examines the impact of online reputation on hiring and how people manage their online reputation.

Highlights of the study’s findings on online reputation and hiring include:

  • The recruiters and HR professionals surveyed are not only checking online sources to learn about potential candidates, but they also report that their companies have made online screening a formal requirement of the hiring process.
  • Of U.S. recruiters and HR professionals surveyed, 70% say they have rejected candidates based on information they found online. Though not as frequently, respondents from the U.K. and Germany report the same trend.
  • In all countries, recruiters and HR professionals say they believe the use of online reputational information will significantly increase over the next five years.
  • Positive online reputations matter. Among U.S. recruiters and HR professionals surveyed, 85% say that positive online reputation influences their hiring decisions at least to some extent. Nearly half say that a strong online reputation influences their decisions to a great extent.
  • Of the U.S. recruiters and HR professionals surveyed, 75% report that their companies have formal policies in place that require hiring personnel to research applicants online.

I stumbled upon and read a fascinating article by Joshua Waldman for the Huffington Post on 10 Ways the Job Search Has Changed and it made me think of how the rules of job search have truly changed over the years. Today’s job market is a highly competitive one and no job seeker should be contented with ‘business as usual’ while seeking work. There are more job seekers chasing fewer jobs. So, it is important to know the smartest ways to snag a job and what to do differently while looking for a job. If you don’t currently have a job search strategy, it’s not too late to put one in place.

See How to Tweet, Blog and Network Your Way to a New Job!

Regardless of how or where you look for work, it is imperative that you get the basics of your job search strategy right. To help you, the tips on the Infographic: 20 Smartest Ways to Snag a Job Now shown below will guide you.

Infographic: 20 Smartest Ways to Get a Job Now

20 Quickest Ways to Get a Job Now

How to Use LinkedIn to Land Your Dream Job

Now that you have explored some of the quickest ways to get a job now as shown on the Infographic, how else can a job seeker get a job in this digital age or how did you snag your current job? Let’s hear from you by adding your comments below.

See 10 Sure Fire Job Search Strategies

Catherine Adenle
Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.
Catherine Adenle

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