By Catherine Adenle
Want to know the 5 ultimate skills of a seasoned Data Scientist? Well, first let’s explore how the role of a Data Scientist is defined. So, who is Data Scientist?
A Data Scientist is an analytical expert who utilizes their data diagnostic skills in both technology and social science to find trends and manage gathered data. They use industry knowledge, contextual understanding, the incredulity of existing assumptions to uncover solutions to business challenges.
Data savvy, a Data Scientist uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extricate knowledge and insights from both structured and unstructured data, and apply knowledge and actionable insights from gathered data across a broad range of application hubs.
Product building, connected tech devices, e-commerce and the volume of user interaction data available have generated tremendous interest in mining data and deriving key insights to help businesses succeed. An organization’s ability to compete effectively in the business world is now measured by how successfully it applies analytics to vast, unstructured data sets across key domains to drive innovation and generate revenue. For this reason, Data Scientists are in high demand.
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A Data Scientist helps with the identification of the key groups with precision, via a thorough analysis of disparate sources of data. With this in-depth knowledge, organizations can tailor services and products to customer groups, and help profit margins flourish.
A data scientist has the basic responsibilities of gathering and analyzing data, using various types of analytics and reporting tools to detect patterns, trends and relationships in data sets.
The data scientist role is a spin-off and has evolved from several traditional but highly-skilled technical roles. Some of these include mathematician, scientist, statistician and computer professional to name but a few.
A data scientist needs huge quantities of data to develop hypotheses, make inferences, and analyze both market and customer trends. They need to be proficient in the use of both predictive modeling and Machine Learning and other advanced analytics technologies.
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So, with such a plethora of intricate roles and demanding a finely tuned skill-set with a huge depth of knowledge, we examine the 5 ultimate skills of a seasoned Data Scientist, the key foundations a unique individual needs to succeed in the role.
The 5 Ultimate Skills of a Seasoned Data Scientist
You could spend hours going through the job description of a Data Scientist and come up with hundreds of traits and ideal strings to their bow for the optimum candidate. In that time, there may not be a unanimous verdict for what the most vital components are. Despite this, I am sure most would agree that the 5 ultimate skills of a seasoned Data Scientist list below would give a Data Scientist a solid base from which to operate. It is unlikely there would be any disputing that without these 5 key core skills, any Data Scientist would struggle to do a great job.
Infographic: The 5 Ultimate Skills of a Seasoned Data Scientist
Video: 5 Business Skills Employers Want in a Data Scientist
Want to be a Data Scientist but don’t know where to make a start? You must be bold, decisive and accurate. A leader, a fountain of knowledge and a calm head when all around you are losing theirs.
Business acumen is unconditional and the intelligence to both identify and prevent risks is compulsory. Data-driven decision-making processes, predictive analytics and being a strong orator to convey your findings to a wider audience are the characteristics of a famous leader and that of a seasoned Data Scientist.
See 10 Reasons why Business Knowledge is important as a Data Scientist
Now that you have explored the 5 ultimate skills of a seasoned Data Scientist, what can you add? Let’s hear from you. Leave your comment below.
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