Catherine's Career Corner

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Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Sharpen Your CV’s Focus – See These 5 Key Tips

1. CVs generally should not include personal pronouns, such as “I,” “me,” and “my.” If there is one place on the CV where an exception can be made, it’s the objective statement. However, it’s still best to avoid these pronouns. 2. The default assumption about any job you are seeking is that is a typical

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

Secure Job Interviews, Understand The CV Reviewing Process

 Firstly, it is vital to understand the CV reviewing process and your recruiter’s situation. Let’s break this process down:     Recruiters are dealing with 10s of applications per vacancy.    Normally under immense time pressures as...

Monday, February 16th, 2009

12 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Career in Today’s Fast Paced Business Environment

  Keep updating your cv and keep a positive attitude. Be prepared to keep learning and growing throughout your entire working life. This means being willing to keep an open mind to new methods as well as learning...

Sunday, February 15th, 2009

Immediately After Your Interview, ensure you do this…

According to Robert Oldham, the founder of you should not wait like 90% of people after you have attended an interview to write a letter/email to your interviewer thanking him or her, especially if you thought...

Saturday, February 14th, 2009

To all our readers and contributors…


Saturday, February 14th, 2009

Networking a Job after Redundancy

If you’re told that your job will be declared redundant or suspect that this is likely to happen, take positive action. Don’t be driven into negative thoughts. Gerald in ‘The Full Monty’ didn’t tell anyone, not even...

Friday, February 13th, 2009

Job Interviews – 5 Ways to Give Winning Answers Every Time

The truth is, doing well in a job interview has nothing to do with luck! Neither is it simply a question of long years of experience. Nor a measure of your suitability for the job. Trust me,...

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

General Guide Lines for Writing Job Related Correspondence

According to these are General Guide Lines for writing Job related Correspondence Focus on your qualifications and experience and why you fit the job profile. Use simple and clear English. If you are applying for a...

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

Your CV? Be Sure to Impress Employers With Your Career History

As with everything else on your CV, your Career History or Work Experience section must effectively sell you to an employer. It must showcase your achievements. This means that it has to be persuasive enough to convince...

Monday, February 9th, 2009

Ten Tips for Choosing the Best Job Site for You


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