Catherine's Career Corner

Career Management


Friday, September 30th, 2011

Need a Job Now? These Are 8 Sure Fire ‘Hire Me!’ Tips

Need a job now and you don’t want to hear “don’t call us, we will call you?!” Then, follow these 8 sure fire tips to secure the job that you deserve. Written by Catherine Adenle Agreed, your CV and cover letter are designed to get you an interview. Securing an interview gives you the opportunity

Sunday, September 25th, 2011

Are You Creating Your Own Workplace Stress? See These 5 Ways

The question is do you recognise why you are stressed at work? Do you allow the enemy inside your head in form of negative thoughts, self talk and views to overtake your life? are you creating your...

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

How Long is Your Whine List at Work?

If you consistently moan at work, you may be the problem. If you think your boss is the ‘he’ devil incarnate, your HR manager is a buffoon and your colleagues are morons, then there’s a better than...

Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

This is What Your Manager is Thinking!

Have you ever wondered what your Manager thinks of you? Does he see you as a hardworking member of staff who goes above and beyond or as a clueless brownnoser?

Wednesday, August 10th, 2011

Career Change: How Do You Know When it’s Time?

The thought of making a career change can invoke all sorts of emotions, from excitement at starting afresh to anxiety about throwing away a stable job. So, when it comes to career change, how do you know...

Monday, August 1st, 2011

Mind Your Behaviour at Work

Do you mind your behaviour at work? There are many decent, hard-working, focused, cheerful, and polite people in all organisations. These people are highly aware of the importance of perception. Yet they have no clue. They have...

Monday, July 11th, 2011

Social Media: Making it Work for You

Have you ever stopped to think about the importance of social media nowadays? Just a few short years ago, social media didn’t even exist and yet today we could not see ourselves without social media. | Written...

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

Don’t Wait for Anyone to Manage Your Career for You: 12 Reasons and 1 Tip

Employers are constantly evaluating their workforce to ensure that it possesses the necessary competencies – skills, experience, knowledge, and behaviours to achieve organisational objectives. As an employee, take charge and don’t wait for anyone to manage your...

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

Are you a great employee or just an employee?

What exactly makes us a great employee and what makes an employee great? Most employers agree that good employees usually display qualities such as projecting a positive attitude, dependability, use of initiative, ability to get along well...

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

How to Find The Job You Are Looking For

As a job seeker, finding the job you are looking for is not easy and often most job seekers need some help with the process. The most important factor in securing your next job is to be sure...

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