Catherine's Career Corner

Career Management


Monday, January 3rd, 2011

How To Secure Your Job In Uncertain Times

By Ramon Greenwood There is no such thing as guaranteed job security in today’s tumultuous, paradoxical world of work. Companies are laying off people as a result of a declining market for their products. Some employers are using the down economy as an excuse to cull their work force and turn to technologies to get

Saturday, November 13th, 2010

One Wrong Move, Your Facebook or Twitter Could Cost You Your Job.

Everything you post, your comments, tweets and likes on the internet are 100% public and searchable even when you think they are hidden from people that are not your friends. If you don’t want to share it...

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

Be a Superstar Job Seeker!

You have to be a Superstar Job Seeker to get the job of your dream. To be able to navigate the job search super highway and quickly set yourself aside to be ‘the one,’ that special ‘one’...

Sunday, July 11th, 2010

No Promotion at Work? See 6 Reasons Why You Are Bypassed.

No promotion at work? If you have been in the same job for close to six years and you haven’t been promoted but have watched few of your colleagues as they climbed the corporate ladder, then, there...

Sunday, January 31st, 2010

See the 10 Gifts to Give Your Career This Year…

It’s important to personally take control of your career development, and pro-actively look to progress by going outside your workplace to know the skills you need to acquire in order to strengthen or build upon. These things...

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

Moving Up the Ladder: 10 Strategies for Getting Yourself Promoted

Some career experts say that the day you start a new job you should begin planning for your next job. And you know what? You should! Just make sure that you stay focused enough on the job you were...

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009

10 Things You Can Do to Get a Promotion

Here at Catherine’s Career Corner, we bring you highly relevant articles, tools and resources put together by experts in the field of career management. Whether you want to exercise greater control over your career, find a new...

Sunday, May 24th, 2009

10 Easy Things to Do Now to Make More Money Later

Explore 10 easy things to do now to make money later. You can’t get rich quick, but follow these ten proven steps to success today and you will find wealth sooner than you think. It’s working for...

Sunday, January 11th, 2009

30 Job-Seeker’s Glossary of Key Job-Hunting, and Career Terms

Explore this 30 Job-Seeker’s Glossary (A-D) of Key Job-Hunting, Career, and Employment Terms.   Quintessential’s glossary of job, career, and employment terms is designed to give job-seekers a quick definition — and then provide links where you...

Thursday, January 8th, 2009

These Are Top 10 Jobs of 2009

These are 10 top jobs of 2009. Each year, we identify jobs that will be in highest demand and there are always the usual suspects from the fields of health, education, health, marketing and IT. Although these...

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