Wednesday, July 31st, 2013
As a job seeker, it’s important to know that your cover letter is a companion to your CV, although it is written entirely separate from it. Its purpose is to introduce you briefly as a candidate, indicating your career goals and objectives. Be sure to see your job search as a marketing campaign. You are
Thursday, May 9th, 2013
Do you know your skills? They are your prime selling points, so it is important that you know what your skills are because how else would you sell your skills to a potential employer? Written by Catherine...
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013
This A – Z Career Guide contains what you personally need to do to develop, advance, or even change your career. Explore and utilize the A – Z Career Guide in order to soar in your professional...
Tuesday, January 29th, 2013
Need a job? Explore 30 sure-fire tips that will help you to keep your job search more focused! Be sure to only apply for jobs that you are qualified to do or for which you have the...
Sunday, December 9th, 2012
Why don’t you turn your top employees into your top recruiters? If you need to hire new talent but only have a bare-bones recruiting budget? Here is a checklist of low- and no-cost recruiting ideas that work...
Friday, August 17th, 2012
These are 8 proven ways to turbo-boost your promotion at work. Does it feel like you are a spectator at work? Have you been watching as your peers fly past you as they climb the corporate ladder...