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To make a dazzling first impression is paramount as it’s an important part of human relations. It’s needed when you are looking for a job,  business opportunity, in social gatherings and in every circumstance you can possibly think about.

Make a Dazzling First Impression

By Catherine Adenle

Like it or not, in order to make a dazzling first impression, ‘likeability’ is everything. It opens the door everywhere you go. Sometimes you don’t even have to talk before someone makes a decision whether you are likeable or not. It takes just an instance or a quick glance, for someone to assess you when you meet them for the very first time.

In a few seconds, the person forms an opinion about you simply based on your appearance, how you dress, your body language and demeanour. Making a dazzling first impression is therefore paramount as it’s an important part of human relations. It comes handy when you are looking for a job, in business, in social gatherings and in every circumstance you can think about.
Thus, it’s important to know how to create a dazzling first impression.

See 12 ways to make a dazzling first impression:

1. Dress appropriately. This may sound superficial to some people especially if they are the ‘dress down always’ type. Frankly, the absolute dazzling first impression you will make on anyone will be through what you are wearing – clothes, tie, watch and shoes. People take these into account when making initial judgements about you.

Be clean and hygienic too. Shave; clean your hair, teeth and nails. How you package yourself is crucial. Always dress suitability for the occasion, time and place. This is what people see first, so make your appearance count.

See Make a Great Impression at Work

2. Don’t be late. No excuses if you are meeting anyone for the first time or attending a job interview. It’s always good to arrive five minutes early. Arriving early is the first step in creating a dazzling first impression.

3. Your body language must be on point. This is an important part if you want to make a dazzling first impression. How you carry yourself, the position of your shoulders, your posture and how you walk will determine how you are perceived by people. Survey any room with your head held up high, eyes pointing upward and not looking towards the floor.

See Job Interview Body Language: Master Your Mannerisms to Find Success

4. Start any meeting with a bang! Smile genuinely and don’t just show your teeth. This will let you connect straight away. No one can ignore the power of a great smile. When you meet people for the first time and you smile, they will smile back, then relax and see you as warm and friendly. Then, they will pay attention to you and what you have to say. From that point onward, you have succeeded in getting their attention.

5. A firm handshake is a must. Ensure that you always give a firm handshake that exudes self-confidence. This is a sure way to give a dazzling first impression. Never shake anyone with a nervousness induced sweaty handshake as that will put anyone off because a limp handshake is a sign of lack of confidence. A firm and dry handshake is important because if the other person’s first impression of you is that you lack self-confidence, the less likely it is for them to hire you or enter into any sort of business relationship with you.

Dazzling Impression

6. Mind your manners. From the onset, be courteous, civil and respectful. No mobile phones or watch (time) watching. Introduce yourself and don’t be cocky or condescending. Don’t interrupt, listen intently before you speak. Say thank you as necessary if they should offer you any compliment. Say excuse me as necessary too. This will make a dazzling first impression on others as they will see you as a well-mannered individual.

See Video: 11 Ways to Ace Any Job Interview

7. Positive attitude prevails. Your attitude says a lot about you as it shows through in everything you do. Always strive and remain positive when you meet anyone. Project a positive attitude to a potential employer or business partner, even when you sense negativity, condemnation or touches of sarcasm. Contribute to everything appropriately while you maintain an upbeat exterior and a smile.

See Positive Attitudes are Essential to Success: 13 Steps to a Positive Attitude 

8. It’s not just about you. Remember that nothing revolves around you only. If you are truly interested in meeting someone and learning about who they are too, you have to show interest and be interesting. It is to your advantage to show interest in anyone that you meet. The meeting is a two-way thing, so focus on the other person as well. This will make them feel good being around you.

9. Be language appropriate. Speak proper grammar, no slang or cursing. Refrain from using informal phrases, dropping unnecessary buzzwords here and there is not cool. Be genuine when you speak and be intentional when you listen. Show that you are truly passionate about what you have to say, that you are connecting and interested in what they are saying.

When meeting people who can influence your situation, be clear and simple. If you want to make a dazzling first impression, craft and present your message in a great way. Keep your greeting and language professional but friendly.

How To Make A Great First Impression

10. Be attentive to know their soft spot. People tend to have soft spots and are not afraid to make them known to others. You can only know what people are passionate about when you show interest in them and what they are saying. Having the same soft spots will definitely make a dazzling first impression. Whether it is having the same favourite pastime or interests, finding any common ground between you and the other person will be to your advantage.

11. Be memorable for the right reasons. No one remembers the people who blend. Stand out for all the right reasons. To be interesting, you need to be different from others. Be an individual. Don’t turn off the good traits that make you unique. Harness your own ‘je ne sais quoi’ traits and unleash them. If you are creative, find a way to nicely demonstrate this. If you are funny, know when it’s appropriate to use your great sense of humour.

12. Be yourself. People show interested in those whom they can relate to. When you are meeting people for the first time, approach them with a genuine interest in who they are and what they do. Show who you really are too. Be a person that other people will feel comfortable around. Do not pretend to be someone else. All of these will allow you to get along better with people.
Making a dazzling first impression is important especially in a situation where you are judged at face value such as when attending a job interview or business meeting.


While we have explored 12 ways to make a dazzling first impression above, there are tons of other ways to make a dazzling first impression. Feel free to add to the list by leaving your comment below.

Catherine Adenle
Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.
Catherine Adenle

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