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Know how to manage change successfully? Change is challenging and it is not a simple task, but there are ways to manage change successfully. Explore how to initiate and execute change to make the transition easier and successful.

Know how to manage change successfully

Written and Presented by Catherine Adenle

Knowing how to manage change successfully is important in all organizations. There are many reasons why change can be difficult for people to manage or deal with. For one, we like to know that we will show up at work and see the same people, work at the same station, and perform a function that is familiar to us.

Over time, we get very comfortable and we feel confident about what is expected and how we accomplish our tasks. Suddenly, a change that takes us out of our comfort zone is introduced. The change disrupts this predictability and causes a great deal of distress among employees. Some people adapt to change easily, others become angry and skeptical at the first sign of change.

See 20 Reasons Why Employees Resist Change in the Workplace

As a manager, the challenge is to find a way to implement and manage change successfully without creating a stressful environment. Even though you can’t entirely predict the impact of change on the work environment, there are a few things you can do to help prepare yourself and your employees for change:

  • Good planning
  • Communication
  • Making yourself available
  • Following up and listening

To further explore how to manage change successfully, see the presentation below for actionable advice and tips:

[slideshare id=5292181&doc=changemanagement-100926160029-phpapp01]

Catherine Adenle
Founder, Catherine's Career Corner. The career site empowering and inspiring ambitious candidates of all ages and professions to thrive and work smarter on their careers. Gladly helping all career-minded people worldwide to explore their career, manage change and understand how new technologies are changing and enhancing the future of work.
Catherine Adenle

2 thoughts on “Manage Change Successfully: Know How

  1. You know your stuff! Thanks for sharing this presentation. I am impressed. Please contact me if you wish as I am also a professional change agent.
    Joe Class

  2. Thanks for sharing the information. The most difficult part of change is managing people through change. Business leaders implementing change always forget this aspect of change which is why most organisational changes don’t succeed. I have downloaded the presentation. Thank you.

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