Catherine's Career Corner

Author Archive


Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Paymounth business notes

Quisque neque turpis, auctor eget vulputate vitae, mattis non augue. Suspendisse quis imperdiet risus. Nulla maximus eget ligula a tristique. Maecenas ut metus id ex ornare vehicula. Nullam at vestibulum leo. Curabitur accumsan eros et maximus pretium. Donec hendrerit augue in commodo venenatis. Aenean tempus ex sed scelerisque efficitur. Nullam tempor orci in dui aliquet

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Russia To Host 2018 World Cup

Praesent fringilla neque non faucibus congue. Pellentesque euismod purus libero, sed luctus odio mollis sed. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer pulvinar velit volutpat odio ultricies viverra. Quisque sapien...

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Hot triumph Bike launched

Suspendisse finibus augue commodo hendrerit lacinia. Etiam nec diam quis nisi finibus rutrum sit amet eu dui. Aliquam cursus nulla id tincidunt ultrices. Ut quis auctor augue. Sed vitae nisl sed metus vestibulum porta. Cum sociis natoque...

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Sairah Tundukar- first to complete ICY Marathon

Cras porta tristique mi, non pulvinar nisi aliquam ac. Sed scelerisque nisi eget felis lacinia vehicula et vel tortor. Integer finibus, magna id vulputate dictum, lectus dolor pretium augue, vitae venenatis lacus orci in turpis. Vestibulum ornare...

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Langtang Tracking major attraction

Nullam lacus lorem, eleifend sed pulvinar non, accumsan ut purus. Mauris venenatis, est at fringilla efficitur, mi massa imperdiet mi, in finibus magna tellus non mauris. Morbi ac leo lacus. Mauris et pharetra turpis. Praesent fermentum dapibus...

Thursday, May 7th, 2015

Cope with Job Loss: 12 Ways (Infographic)

Explore how to cope with job loss via this Infographic. Like many thousands of people, if you have been thrust into a job loss situation that you probably didn’t want to be in, then, you need to...

Saturday, April 25th, 2015

Free PDF Download: Guide on How to Get Noticed at Work

Want to impress at work? Grab this: Free PDF Download, a Guide on How to Get Noticed at Work. Explore the A-Z ways of how to shine at work through the content of the PDF. By Catherine Adenle...

Sunday, April 19th, 2015

Make a Great Impression at Work

Explore the A – Z Guide of how to make a great impression at work. As the job market is extremely competitive and jobs are no longer for life, doing a great job is more than simply getting the job...

Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

Turn the Tables During a Job Interview: Ask Clever Questions

How do you turn the tables during a job interview? Ask clever questions to get noticed for the right reasons! Do what’s expected of you at a job interview and explore these clever questions to ask potential employers.   By...

Tuesday, February 24th, 2015

How Organizations Involve and Support Employees During Change

Explore how organizations involve and support employees during change. Once you understand how organizations involve and support employees during change, you will realise that organizations must not neglect the people aspect of change. Organizations don’t change, people...

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