Catherine's Career Corner

Author Archive


Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

The Seven Laws of Networking: Those Who Give, Get

Networking is an essential part of your career and business. However, a lot of people struggle to network. Networking is leveraging your business and personal connections to progress, gain knowledge or acquire a regular supply of new business. The concept of networking sounds simple. Don’t be fooled, it involves relationship building, it can be a deceptively

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009

10 Things You Can Do to Get a Promotion

Here at Catherine’s Career Corner, we bring you highly relevant articles, tools and resources put together by experts in the field of career management. Whether you want to exercise greater control over your career, find a new...

Saturday, September 12th, 2009

Skills Portfolio: Creatively Showcasing Your Skills

Here at Catherine’s Career Corner, we referred to your Skills Portfolio on numerous job search articles. Recently, we found an apt article via the Trinity Western University on Skills Portfolio, what it is and what it should...

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

Change People’s Perception of You at Work

How do people perceive you at work? Good or bad? If bad, do you want to know how to change people’s perception of you at work? Perception is everything because how you see yourself is probably different...

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

How to Succeed and Gain Promotion at Work

How do you succeed and gain promotion at work? You landed that first job and you have been at it for about a year or two. And you’re looking for career promotion advice to move up the ladder, successfully....

Thursday, August 6th, 2009

How to Get Your CV Noticed and Read

This is how to get your CV noticed and read as a job seeker. Believe it or not, recruiters spend only about 25 seconds reviewing or scanning a CV, so the first impression counts. Give a recruiter...

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

The Smart Interview Preparation Tool for Job Seekers

Explore the smart interview preparation tool if you are seeking employment. To ace any job interview, you have to know what it takes to win the heart and mind of a recruiter. The smart interview preparation tool...

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

Winning At Job Interviews – 8 Steps to Get the Job you Want

Explore winning at job interviews – 8 steps to get the job you want. Research shows that applicants who are confident perform much better at interviews than ‘nervous nellies’. The secret of success at job interviews is...

Sunday, August 2nd, 2009

10 Keys to Stay Motivated And On Top Of Your Game

What do you dream about? Do you have dreams of building a blockbuster business, material wealth, taking great vacations, writing the next bestseller, or contributing to the lives of others? Whatever dreams you have big or small,...

Saturday, July 18th, 2009

10 Ways to Make Money Online

From blogging to profitable social networking and playing games to posting on forums, the internet is a world of moneymaking opportunity James F Thompson   With the advent of university top-up fees, student life doesn’t come cheap...

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