Catherine's Career Corner

Career Management


Saturday, June 1st, 2013

Network Your Way to a Job

Know how to network your way to a job. Nothing happens, unless we make them happen. If you are looking for a job, it’s imperative that you network your way to a job. However, networking doesn’t just happen, you need to be active in your efforts and make sure you get out and meet the

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

Your A – Z Career Guide

This A – Z Career Guide contains what you personally need to do to develop, advance, or even change your career. Explore and utilize the A – Z Career Guide in order to soar in your professional...

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

10 Reasons Why Your Chance of Promotion Disappeared Into Thin Air

These are 10 reasons why your chance of promotion disappeared into thin air. You and I know that promotion will not get handed to you via a tap on the shoulders. It will only happen if you...

Sunday, December 23rd, 2012

Smash the Job Interview and Get Hired

Now it’s the time to smash the job interview and get hired, that plum position is waiting for you.  By Catherine Adenle After writing countless CVs or Resumes, cover letters, and job applications, you hope that you will...

Sunday, December 9th, 2012

Turn Your Top Employees into Your Top Recruiters

Why don’t you turn your top employees into your top recruiters? If you need to hire new talent but only have a bare-bones recruiting budget? Here is a checklist of low- and no-cost recruiting ideas that work...

Sunday, November 25th, 2012

Get a Christmas Bonus: 10 Tips

If you work for an organization where a Christmas bonus is given in recognition of your contribution and achievement, this article is for you. There is no doubt that the current financial crisis has now made the...

Monday, November 19th, 2012

Pay Increase at Work: How Not to Ask

Before you ask for a pay increase at work, be sure to do proper research in order to figure out if you are truly deserving of an increase in pay. Written by Catherine Adenle Explore how not...

Sunday, October 7th, 2012

Thrive and Get Noticed at Work: 50 Tips

If you want to thrive and get noticed at work so that you can move up the corporate ladder, you need to be capable of demonstrating your skills or worth to others. For the awareness of the dexterity...

Sunday, September 30th, 2012

40 Most Important Social Media Tips for HR Professionals

These are the 40 most important Social Media for HR Professionals. Human resources are the art of working with humans (hence the name). And anyone concerned with dealing with today’s humans had better be prepared to also...

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

6 Things To Never Say To Your Boss

Know where the line of appropriateness lies, know the 6 things to never say to your boss. This post was originally published on Tuesday, September 11, 2012, by the Staff Writers of OnlineBussinessDegree. It was sent to...

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