In the workplace, nobody wants to be a bad manager. We all want to think that we are good in our roles and in how we perform our duties. However, one thing most bad managers have in common is that they are not consciously aware that they are bad managers. Are you a bad manager?
Have you ever stopped to think about the importance of social media nowadays? Just a few short years ago, social media didn’t even exist and yet today we could not see ourselves without social media. | Written...
Explore how to deal with a bully at work. When it comes to workplace bullying, the 7 tips provided will help you to know how to effectively deal with bullying. Dealing with a bully in the workplace...
As a job seeker, finding the job you are looking for is not easy and often most job seekers need some help with the process. The most important factor in securing your next job is to be sure...
To get hired, you need to ace that job interview. In order to ace that job interview, you have to plan, prepare and practice. When you take care of these 3Ps, it’s easy to ace any job...
Explore these 100 Blog articles that every job seekers should read. As jobs are vanishing at the fastest rate in more than five years and as the pace is expected to increase before it subsides, it is...
Everything you post, your comments, tweets and likes on the internet are 100% public and searchable even when you think they are hidden from people that are not your friends. If you don’t want to share it...
Have a job interview? These are 7 key things not to say during a job interview. It is normal to get nervous before and during a job interview. In fact, everyone gets nervous during a job interview. However, be...
Searching for a job? Explore how to utilize social networks. When it comes to searching for a job these days, networking opportunities are everywhere. The internet is a vast hub of all things related to job search. There, you will...
Explore the smart interview preparation tool if you are seeking employment. To ace any job interview, you have to know what it takes to win the heart and mind of a recruiter. The smart interview preparation tool...